The ticker for NASDAC is a constant posting of all the stocks and the price of their shares. Today it is an electronic board that is on top of the wall at the Stock Exchange. It was named the ticker because it was a machine that people had in their businesses frequently to see the price of shares on a ticker tape.
The flat screen television is the most widely used electronic television used today.
Because we have electronic devices
Electronic form of media is very important in today's world. It is the best way or communicating worldwide.
There are many different type of electronic chinese translators on the market today. Some range in price form over $300 dollars to $80 dollars. The Ectaco TurboSpeech English Chinese PB-Ch B-3 Ultimate Travel Phrasebook is a reasonable price translator.
Electronic computer is may faster and smaller than the first developed computer. Electronic computers today uses small electronic devices and integrated circuits. Long time ago they use vacuum tubes which are huge.
electronic microscopes
Electrical Engineers and computer scientists are today's experts of electronic technology. To understand electronic technology, major in one of those fields. Or, read about what those people do.
Offices in today's society are transmitting information via electronic mail (e-mail), electronic calendars, and teleconferencing, as well as other electronic devices
Don't know why but it fine with that you have you been doing today
price of stock