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An Xbox (as far as I know) has at least two functions: It can play DVDs at your disposal (it should include a remote) and it plays games, such as the infamous Halo. There may be more functions that I don't know about (I don't own an Xbox, but I've played my cousin's), you may have to find yourself.

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17y ago
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14y ago

Games On Demand: Lets you download full games from the comfort of your own home

Facebook: Update your status, comment on other peoples and comment on photos

Last FM: Listen to radio

Movies On Demand: Watch movies in both HD and SD for a small fee

Play Games: A large selection of games with both single and online gameplay

SKy: Watch Sky on the Xbox (as long as you have a already existing Sky account)

...and the list is ever increasing

G.T. Felpsy

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14y ago

The Xbox 360's main purpose was used for gaming (of course), but it has expanded into downloading movies, music, tv shows. It is also now used to look at friends Facebook and Twitter profiles.

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9y ago

Xbox is a console which allows you to play games on your own and with your friends. You can also do quite a lot of things that you can do on a regular computer. These include YouTube, the internet and facebook. You can subscribe to xbox live gold to play games and chat with your friends.

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14y ago

To have a good time by your self or with friends

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According to the Xbox website and other online websites, the Xbox 360 adapter can't be used on other devices. One can indeed recycle the adapter or sell it.

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obviously its an xbox 360

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