it depends on what you like. i kinda like guthix a little better than rune g, but some people might call you a noob. if you dont mind, then get guthix, but if you do then get rune g.
Guilded is the most, Zammy is the second, and Guth is the least. Guilded is rune armor that looks gold. Zamorak is red- trimmed. Everyone knows that Guthix is green- trimmed. Gold- trim is the cheapest of all.
Should be either Rune [trimmed or gold trimmed etc] Or Saradomin/Zamorak/Guthix kiteshield. Hope this helps:)
no. You find gods' armour, trimmed and gold-trimmed versions of armour, and some other valuable stuff, only on treasure trails.
saradomin is the best armour although the second best is guthix then rune they r the 3 best armour u can also get rune trimmed but not guthix and saradomin i hope this helped you ty
completely nothing more than normal green d hide just looks cooler :)
Trimmed or gold trimmed are not "better" than the regular rune, in the sense that they don't provide you with any extra combat benefit. The same applies to the god shields. There is no other "rune" shield that provides you better combat benefits. All of these are just for show, i.e., to show off that you can afford them. Members have better options, both "for show" and for actual combat. But those would not be "rune" shields.
clue scrolls are scrolls that you try to beat when you do everything you will get reward they members only and you get them from killing monsters you have three different levels of clue scrolls the higher the level the harder the clue scroll the harder the scroll the better reward the level three clue scrolls you need to defeat high level monsters in the wildness and that is how you get rune trimmed and saradomin armour and guthix and rune gold trimmed etc...the high level the scroll the high level the monster you need to kill to get the scroll.
Members can sometimes get trimmed or gold-trimmed items from treasure trails. Non-members can buy them on the Grand Exchange.
In free-to-play, the best armour you can get (with respect to stats) is rune armour, which costs about 200,000 coins. God's armour (Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorak), as well as rune trimmed and rune gold-trimmed, are much more expensive, and look neat, but they don't give you better combat stats; they have the same stats as rune armour. Perhaps you can get a rune trimmed armour set for less than 2 million; check the prices. But don't use it for combat; those expensive armours are FOR SHOWING OFF ONLY. You wouldn't want to risk losing it.
If arm as in armor, then yes.Trimmed, Guthix, Zamarok, Saradomin, and gold armors all have the same stats, with just a pretty appearance and extremely low chance rate (from treasure trails). This causes the price to soar over the regular rune.
Well for f2p the best range armor is green d'hide and if u got about 1M u can get gold-trimmed set (for p2p the best is morigan's leather) As for melee : f2p-full rune (or gold-trimmed rune) ; p2p-dragon Edit: f2p corrupt dragon is better than rune. trimmed armor is the same as non-trimmed armor in terms of stats. Trova is the best melee armor for members.
The trimmed and gold-trimmed versions of armour are not made by players; they are found on "treasure trails", a members-only feature.If anybody says he will "trim armour" for you, you should report him immediately; this is a common scam.The trimmed and gold-trimmed versions of armour are not made by players; they are found on "treasure trails", a members-only feature.If anybody says he will "trim armour" for you, you should report him immediately; this is a common scam.The trimmed and gold-trimmed versions of armour are not made by players; they are found on "treasure trails", a members-only feature.If anybody says he will "trim armour" for you, you should report him immediately; this is a common scam.The trimmed and gold-trimmed versions of armour are not made by players; they are found on "treasure trails", a members-only feature.If anybody says he will "trim armour" for you, you should report him immediately; this is a common scam.