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If it is OBD II, no serial data, it may be VCM, Power Steering control Module, other Modules, open in harness, or many other possibilities. If it is OBD I, I would jump the PIP and trigger codes using a volt meter or a test light and see if that works. Bury the accelerator pedal while PIP is jumpered and it should run solenoid tests as well showing some communication. Or bad code reader.

i've seen bad b+ (battery positive) at the DLC(data link connector 16 pin obd2) cause failed communication w/ ngs/star and wds

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A code reader that will work on the OBD I system.

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OBD1 code reader. Any brand will work well on this system. Very simple system that requires no sophisticated reader.

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Depends on what type code reader you have. OBD2 is pretty universal, but not compatible with Diesels until after 2004. Petrols came compliant earlier, in about 2001. The code reader that does work with all the Citroen C3 HDi cars is Actia with Diagbox or Lexia 3.

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It uses the federally mandated OBD-II interface. Any code reader capable of reading OBD-II codes will work.

Where to plug in code reader for a 1992 dakota.?

In order to use a code reader on a 1992 Dakota simply plug it into the DLC outlet. From there, the code reader should properly function.

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the scanner/code reader needs to be plugged in the obd2 connector to get power if you don't plug it in how can the tool work

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You have to have a "code reader" to first read the trouble code and then to reset the trouble code in the vehicle's on board computer system. The "code reader" is available from most auto parts stores and will work on most newer vehicles.

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Yes a OBD 2 scanner/reader will work on your car

Are you able to rent a code reader from Canadian Tire?

You can't rent a code reader but you can have them use it on your car and tell you what the codes mean. You can buy an inexpensive code reader for around 50 dollars.

Checking troubleshooting codes Pontiac grand Am Se without a code scanner?

It cannot be done, you must have a code reader because the system is OBD2, you used to be able to do it without a code reader, but that was OBD1, OBD2 is much more complicated electronics. If you want to get it scanned, you should go to Autozone, they will code scan for free but will not clear codes. You have to pay someone with a code reader to clear the codes, disconnecting the battery doesn't work either