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Q: What was the tallest camel?
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Is the camel tallest animal?

The African elephant is larger than the Asian elephant, both of which are larger than a camel.

What is the tallest building in Jordan?

the dome of the camel tower

Why is a camel the tallest animal?

Camels are not the tallest animals.The tallest animals are giraffes. Male giraffes can grow up to 18 feet (5.5 metres) and females up to 14 feet (4.2 metres).Camels only grow to an average of 7 feet (2.1 metres) from foot to hump.

What animals have humps?


Where is Camel's Hump located at?

a camel's hump is located at the back of a camel.

What do you call a juvenille camel?

maybe a juvenille camel or a juvi camel

What is the fleece of camel called?

The fleece of a camel is called camel fleece. If it is mixed with sheep's wool, it is called camel hair.

What makes a camel gay?

A camel mating with another camel of the same sex.

Which camel is the largest?

the dromedary camel

How do you say camel in moroccan?


Which is bigger a camel or a kangaroo?


Where does camel?

camel lives in the desert