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Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox 360 Slim(the newest one)

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Q: What were all of the Xbox 360's called?
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What Xbox can you use Kinect on?

All Xbox 360s.

Can all Xbox 360s use live?

All 360s can connect as long as you have the correct items to connect to xboxlive

Can you play an arcade xbox 360 controller to xbox 360 elite?

all xbox 360 controllers are compatible with all xbox 360s

How do you system link 2 xbox 360s?

Buy 2 xbox 360s and put a cable between them.

Will Kinect be for the regular Xbox 360?

Yes. All Xbox 360s past and present support Kinect.

Does an Xbox 360 include a wireless remote?

Yes all xbox 360s include one wireless controller

What are the machines called that make xbox 360s?

An assembly line. Doesn't get much more exciting than that.

Do Xbox games work on Xbox 360s?

Only if you have the Xbox 360 hardrive and some software.

Can Xbox games be played on windows7?

No because XBOX and XBOX 360s are different from Windows 7.

What is the difference between the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 s?

Xbox 360s Is the slim version.

What is the new xbox 360s name?

X360 Slim.

How much are the new xbox 360s?

£200 / $300