This is a very open ended question. There could be many causes for such a problem. Generally when I see a problem of this nature start happening out of the blue without any intentional changes to the system it's usually spyware, adware, or similar applications eating up memory and crashing internet explorer. I would start by trying to determine if you have such programs running. You can view the tasks running by the keystrokes ctrl-alt-delete. Depending on which OS you have you may have to click "Task Manager" option if you're running 2000/XP otherwise it will automatically bring up the current tasks. You should do this immediately after boot up of your system to see what normally is running. In Windows 9x/Me all you are required to have running is "Explorer" and "Systray" you can "end task" everything else and you machine will run just fine. Of course some of those programs may be things such as viruscanner, of which hopefully you have, and soundcard applications, CD writer applications, etc. If you are computer literate enough you can write down each task showing and successfully search for the items online to determine there purpose. There are many spyware/adware apps that appear as Bargain (bargain buddy), bxx5, among others. Also viruses may show up as a task. If your not sure what the tasks running are try the internet. Someone has written about it before. If it's spyware/adware you can probably find out how to remove it from there as well. Good Luck, -Shawn
it is not illegal to make a website that is simply for other people to see But it is illegal to make a website that lets people download media on to their computer BEWARE COPYRIGHT IS ILLEGAL!!!
Yes, AuJagBonus is a very legitimate website. The website is an ad watching site.
Justice will accept coupons that have been printed from a computer. However these coupons must be printed from a legitimate website.
Yes it is very much a legitimate website...I have used its services many a times... is a legitimate website. It is the registry for the national "do not call" list.
No, WikiAnswers is not a bogus website. We are legitimate.
We will not tell you how to bypass your schools security protocols - that's illegal !
no way
Car insurance quotes that you find online can be legitimate, depending on the website you find the quotes on. As long as it's a trusted insurance company website, they are legitimate.
Not unless the website your telling them about is illegal. If you recommend an illegal webstie to someone it encourages crime which is illegal.