Yes you can. The important thing for your DS Lite is the output from the charger not the input. All DS Lites (US or UK or anywhere) all want the same input charge so if you are in the UK a UK charger is exactly what you want to charge any DS regardless of where it came from. The difference is the input to the charger and what it has to do to convert that to what the DS wants so if you are in the UK then a UK charger is perfecto.
I'm pretty sure that that was the first color of the ds lite
YesI have tried it with Nintendo Dogs and it worksM.Kyte
on a ds at the back it does NT ssay ds lite and on a ds lite it says ds lite
Yes you can. You can also connect DS lite to DS and DS Lite to DSi.
The original ds come out in 2004 the ds lite come out in 2007 the dsi will in 2009 spring
Not guaranteed to work on all, but I have purchased 15 games from the USA and they have all worked on my UK DS Lite so far. So I am guessing YES ================================================================ Additional Info: From what I understand, all DS and DS Lite are region free. I haven't seen the UK conoles, but, US consoles can play Japanese games, and vise versa.
the DS is not region locked so you will be able to play any game from anywhere on your US DS
The nintindo DS lite came out two or three years ago. So about 2006 or 2007.