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Q: When was the first caricature drawn?
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How much have you drawn from the well? That was a well-drawn caricature of me. Was that drawn with pencil or pen?

What is a caricature artist?

It is an artist that specializes in a certain type of cartoon called a "caricature". A caricature is a type of quickly drawn cartoon that humorously exaggerates the facial features of the person being caricatured. Political cartoonists are famous for being excellent caricaturists, as are the artists of MAD magazine, when drawing well-known personalities.

In 1848 the London daily news carried the worlds frirst what?

The London Daily News carried the world's first daily political cartoon in 1848. It was drawn by artist John Leech and featured a caricature of Benjamin Disraeli.

What is the importance of caricature?

caricature is a copy cat of character

What has the author Normand Hudon written?

Normand Hudon has written: 'La caricature' -- subject(s): Caricature 'J'ai mauvaise mine' -- subject(s): Caricature

How much does a caricature cost in new york?

I guess it depends on what you are wanting. Are you looking to buy an existing caricature - in that case the answer is unanswerable as it will depend on the subject, the artist, the finish etc. If you are looking at getting a caricature produced then it really does not matter where you are as you can easily order caricatures online. These are drawn from supplied photos. Usually you will get a draft and then subject to any changes needed the final will be produced. Prices vary but are generally very affordable. Hope this helps - Matt -

How do you use a caricature in a sentence?

The artist made a big nose, when he drew the caricature of me. LOL

What does cariacature software do?

Caricature Software is a software that creates caricature effects on pictures. Caricature is an art where certain qualities are exaggerated. The software has many themes, templates. and is easy to use.

What is the definition of the term 'caricatures'?

A caricature is a picture or imitation of an object or person, where certain characteristics are exaggerated for comical purposes. Often drawn by street artists in city centers, proving to be a popular tourist attraction.

What has the author Grant Wright written?

Grant Wright has written: 'The art of caricature' -- subject(s): Caricature

Why might a writer use caricature?

A writer might use caricature to exaggerate certain traits or features of a character for comedic effect or to make a satirical commentary on society. Caricature can also help to create memorable and larger-than-life characters that stand out in a story.

What are the release dates for The Caricature of a Face - 1912?

The Caricature of a Face - 1912 was released on: USA: 8 April 1912