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You have to go all the way to the side (the right) on the ground

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Q: Where are the bombs in china in poptropica?
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Are nuclear bombs illegal in China?

No, China has several hundred nuclear bombs and has had bombs since 1964.

Can you make 2 stink bombs on poptropica?

no. you cannot make 2 stink bombs.

Why did the US decide to drop two atomic bombs on china?

the US decide to drop two atomic bombs on Japan, not china

Does China have unclear bombs in the great wall of China?

no they do not there is nothing but dust in there

How do you arrange the men on red dragon on poptropica?

Use your bombs and hit the soldiers

Were is China in poptropica?

red dragon

Which country has the least nuclear bombs?


Why did the US drop 2 bombs in China?

The United states didn't drop bombs on China in WWII because they were allies. The two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both are part of Japan.

Were is China time in poptropica?

time tangled

Who has the amulet in Poptropica?

The Chinese king in China

Were is the gunpowder in time tangld in poptropica?

It is in china.

Where are the explosives in China in poptropica?

once you get into china you have to walk straigh and then i think you will pass it