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It depends on which time you are there. The first time (which is my guess) you need to make your way to the Rotunda and you will eventually find a set of notes from James, where you need to read through them to discover where he went.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

To find the Jefferson Memorial, head to Rivet City first. From there, head towards the river, and look across at the far bank. Once you are here, look to the right, and you should see an island with a dome roofed building. This building is the Jefferson Memorial.

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Q: Where can you find Jefferson memorial in Fallout 3?
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Heh. You had that problem too, Huh?. Lyons is blocking the way. Just run up to her and keep running to push her out of the way. there shold be a control panel there.

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How long did it take to build the Jefferson Memorial?

The Jefferson Memorial Started: November 15th 1939 Finished: April 13 1943 :) <3 Hope this helps!