It depends what job you are in. For clerics, you should train in the Subway against Wraiths or do Orbis Party Quest. For mages, you can go to Florina Beach and train on Lorangs and Clangs by using the skill lightning. It's very effective on them. For assassins, training at the Golem Temple in Henesys, just the main one until about level 54 is pretty alright. Afterwards, i moved to the temple, to the Dark Stone Golems. There is better spawn in there and 30 more exp per kill. For levels 56-70, assassins should train at Coolie Zombies in El Nath, but it should be better if you start training on them when you're at least level 60. At level 60, you will make your way back to Victoria Island. Go to the very bottom map of the Sleepwood DUNGEON, not to be confused with the Ant Tunnel, and climb down the rope, and go to the platform with a flower on it, and press up underneath it. This map will be your home, even past the 3rd Job Advancement. It has one of the best spawn in the game, and the experience is wonderful.
Mp3(Mysterious Path 3)Its at Singapore in Maplestory(Mostly with a lot of people)
Pq, quests, train, events.
u should train in MPQ(in magiatia) or at jesters(nlc haunted house)
I recommend captains and kru in herb town.
lvl 1 - 70 pqs lvl 70 + leech
I would recommend cpq.
Type Iloveyou to level it up and feed it food.
- Henesys pq (recommended) - Slimes - Henesys Hunting Ground One
monster park is the best place to train only 4 noobs
Train! Train! Train! Yes Train! Keep practicing and fight harder (higher level) monsters than you are. Also do quests and try not to die to much since that can take off EXP.
For my demon slayer, i just trained at mp3 (Mysterious Path 3) in Singapore
Kerning pq, and Heneys pq, and quests.