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From screen H,8 (the screen you are on every time you turn on the game) go up 1 screen, go right four screens, go up 1 screen, go right 1 screen go right at the top of the screen go right one screen go up one screen go left one screen finally go up one screen

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Q: Where is level 2 located in the original Zelda?
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Where do you get the Legend of Zelda level editor?

Well There are diffrent types of editors. 1.Zelda Classic is a level editor for the first game. Download at Zelda 2.Zole Zelda Ocrales Level editer. look it up. 3. There are tons of zelda editors i don't know all of them.

On legends of Zelda oracle of ages how do you move the blocks in jabu jabu's belly?

Use you Level 2 Switch Hook

Is Zelda 2 also called Zelda a link 2 the past?

No. A Link to the Past is the third installment of the Adventures of Zelda. The first is simply The Adventures of Zelda. The second is Zelda II: The Adventures of Link.

Where do you take the frog in the dark world on Zelda a link to the past?

to the blacksmiths place so they can make you the level 2 master sword

How do you beat level 2 boss in the first Legend of Zelda game?

The boss of level 2, the Moon dungeon, is a Dodongo, and to beat it, simply drop a bomb in front of it so it can swallow it. You have to do this twice in order to beat it.

In sims 1 how do you get to level 2?

In the original Sims, and even the following Sims 2, there are no levels.

What year Zelda twilight princess 2 come out?

Zelda wii 2 will be shown at E3 2010

What is next after you get the first 2 diamonds in Zelda a link to the past?

That would be the Skull Woods Temple located in the Lost Woods in the Dark World.

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How many quests are there in Zelda for nes?

Legend Of Zelda: 2 Quests. Zelda II, The Adventure Of Link: 1 Quest.