Checking the Firmware Version
Different firmware versions have different behaviuors if a DS Game is ejected whilst Pictochat is running. To determine your DS firmware version, follow these steps:
1. Insert an authentic Nintendo DS Game Card into your Nintendo DS
2. Turn on DS (hold Select+Start if you have autostart enabled in the settings)
3. Enter Pictochat
4. Enter any chat room
5. Eject the Game Card from the DS
* v1: Pictochat hangs
* v2: two grayish blue screens
* v3: two dark green screens
* v4: two golden yellow screens
* v5: two magenta screens (DS lite units that we know of have this)
* v6: two dark blue screens (un-confirmed new DSes [new odd models of the Lite such as Crystal + Perl + Saphire] have this
I got most of this info from the guys over at PH. Trial and error has gotten us this far!
i believe it's on the front of the game cartridge for a ds game but what kind exactly?
No it was never made to play in a DS version of the game and it is a Playstation Exclusive game
Which version do you have? I have the lite, and the dsiXL but none of them have it.
Yes, it's a regular DS game, any DS and DSi can play it.
No. There is only a GBA (Game Boy Advance) version of the game.
Super Mario 64 DS, platinum version, Mario kart Ds.
You can't, you need to buy the game for Nintendo ds or ds lite.
GBA means game boy advanced, a different Nintendo game system. It means you can connect the Gameboy Advance version of the game, More friends of mineral town, to the ds version.
It has.. the Nintendo DS version is awesome! Its gameplay is nice.. but its graphics is not as good as you expect
sorry... but in the ds version you can't do that. it's only in the computer game.
I have beaten transformers the game. i have both ps3 and ds versions. But,you can only scan trans formers on the ds version.