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Officially, Warcraft 3 (including the frozen throne expansion) came before World of Warcraft. You can check out the whole Warcraft timeline on the World of Warcraft website in the links section below.

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Q: Which came first warcraft 3 or world of warcraft?
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There is no world of warcraft 3. There is world of warcraft, and warcraft 3. Unless you want to refer to Cataclysm. If so then no, you'd fail.

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Start>Programs>Warcraft 3 if it's not listed there re-download warcraft 3

What program did they use to make Warcraft 3?

"Warcraft 3 World Editor".

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There is no such thing as World of Warcraft: The Frozen Throne. It is called Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. World of Warcraft is much different.

Are they making World of Warcraft 5?

No. World of Warcraft is the first (and most likely only) game in its series. You may be thinking of Warcraft 1, 2, and 3, which are RTS-based games, unlike the MMORPG of WoW.

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