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Q: Who created overwatch?
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Is “Paladins” an “Overwatch” ripoff, or is it the opposite?

it is not the oposit infact overwatch is 1000 times better

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What is overwatch?

Overwatch is a Blizzard entertainment game made in 2016. It is a first person shooter game and the only game platforms for Overwatch right now is PC, PS4, and Xbox 360.

What is the plot of overwatch?

so the omnicks atack and these people make a group of heros called overwatch but after the war the people call them criminals so overwatch splits up but then these bad guys make a group of people called tallon and overwatch secretly gets back together

When will Overwatch die?


What actors and actresses appeared in Overwatch - 2013?

The cast of Overwatch - 2013 includes: Vail Bloom as Megan Tony Nevada as Max

Is overwatch good?


What are the different types of combine soldiers?

The different types of Combine soldiers are Overwatch Soldiers, Elite Soldiers, and Overwatch Elites. Overwatch Soldiers are the most common, equipped with standard weaponry. Elite Soldiers are more advanced, with stronger armor and weapons. Overwatch Elites are the most powerful, being heavily armored and equipped with powerful weapons.

Where is Overwatch headed?

UP UP UP!!!!!!!!!

Is there going to be an Overwatch 2 game?


Who is hanzo shimada?

He is totally the best sniper in the game of Overwatch