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In Final Fantasy XIII, you play as new character, Lightning.

Since the game isn't out yet, I don't know if you play as just her.

I think you can play as other characters temporarily.

You play as Lightning, Snow, Hope, Vanille, Sazh, and Fang. It takes turns switching between players and pairs through out the game. It sounds confusing but it's not.

Once you get far enough in the game you can choose who you play as and they all have different moves, but once you get to the end of the game all of the characters moves are basically the same moves, but they learn the moves at different times! But all of theyre stats are always going to be different.

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Lightning, the first female protagonist for a final fantasy game. Her real name is Claire Farron.

Other main protagonist not in the leading role include Snow, Hope, Vanille, Sazh, and Fang.

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Final Fantasy XIII happened in 2009.

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Final Fantasy XIII was created on 2009-12-17.

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As there is no on-line play available, no, you do not pay to play on-line.

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Final Fantasy XIII is basically the first game in a trilogy that contains "Final Fantasy XIII", "Final Fantasy XIII-2", and "Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns". FFXIII:LR concludes the story began in FFXIII. It was a controversial decision to expand a single Final Fantasy game into a trilogy, but S-E was struggling financially and needed to reuse assets to recoup their investment on the initial game.

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Music of Final Fantasy XIII was created on 2010-01-27.

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The only aspect of Final Fantasy XIII that deals with online play is the ability to achieve trophies.

Can You only be a girl in Final fantasy XIII-2?

No. You can play as the character called Noel.