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Q: Why internet is a good idea or not?
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Is it a good idea to download the sims from the internet?

Not a good Idea, it is illegal

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It is probably not a good idea to get a loan from the internet, as you will have to pay back more money then you get. It is a better idea, if you need the money, to get a loan from a bank.

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I have no idea bro. You can probably search in a library, encyclopedia, or the internet good luck!

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33. A good idea would be to search the internet first.

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Always a good idea to get your legal forms for free on the internet. You can print free legal forms from

Who's idea was it to invent the Internet?

some universities thought it would be a good way to share information

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how to check idea internet balance

How many people invented the internet?

The idea of the internet was first published as a article of idea by Leonard Kleinrock's. The internet that we know and love did not start until the 1960's.

Whose idea was it to crate the internet?

Jacob Gurge created to internet

Will Justin kirk and Alexis Zurfluh be a good couple?

heyy this is alexis' best friend :) im gonna have to say no on that one.. and not a good idea posting this on the internet! lol

Whenever you download a file from the Internet check it for viruses before using it.?

That's usually a good idea especially if it is an executable file.

Who are all the female recording artists?

No idea, but that's a good question so check out the internet for your answer. Useful websites: .....