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she is going to be but she will not look the same

KH: Birth By Sleep is KH 3, and she will only be four. She'll be adorable but without much detail, sadly. She'll be in Radiant Garden, and Aqua will meet her.

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14y ago
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13y ago

yes, sora dies. Xehanort we learn is not the main villian, but Mickey Mouse is!

Mickey was behind all of the heartless and nobodies from the start. Mickey kills Sora and Sora can't do anything back because Mickey is the "king" of all Disney.

Kairi then kills Riku because Riku starts to flirt with her and she ends up dating Mickey.

What happens with Donald and Goofy you say? Turns out they were robots all along......

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16y ago

There R 3 new games comin out, KH Birth By Sleep, KH 358/2 Days and KH Coded Birth By sleep wont have Sora and 358/2 Days wont have sora, KH Coded Will though. As for KH3, I dont know. Ive seen a square eenix interview with Tetsuya Nomura and Nomura Said "Im thinking I might give sora a break from big adventures, this is just my thoughts and maybe they will be published to the world, or maybe theyll just stay in my mind, i dont know." So, yeah

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13y ago

There is no way of knowing for sure if Xion will make another appearance in an upcoming Kingdom Hearts title, especially with the way that 358/2 Days ended. There isn't even a confirmed "Kingdom Hearts 3" announced as of yet, so there is almost no way of knowing. We'll know in time, though, so I'll update this question on occasion when I find out any new information.

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14y ago

yes but not all of his memory is there it is just fake memory that namine put in his head

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15y ago

who knows, with Square and Disney, you can never really know what they will do. but i can tell you if they do they will have many angry fangirls because not everyone likes SoraXKairi

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14y ago

If you are talking about Birth by Sleep, then yes. I believe she is a little kid in BBS, but she's in there all the same.

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Q: Will Sora die in Kingdom Hearts 3?
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Does Sora die in Kingdom Hearts 3?

NO!, and Kingdom Hearts 3 is not a game.

Does Sora die in kingdom hearts 1and 2 and 3?

No, Sora never actually dies.

Did Sora die in Kingdom Hearts 3?

No he didn't,he will come back if they make kindom hearts 4.

Will Haley Joel Osment be in Kingdom Hearts 3?

Yes, he will voice Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Will Sora be in kingdom hearts 3 for ps2?

it's for ps3 & wii but sora will be in it

Does Ventus die in Kingdom Hearts 3?

No because kingdom hearts 3 is related to kingdom hearts birth by sleep but Ventus lost his heart in Ventus's secret ending when Ventus gave Sora his heart, Aqua put Ventus into this dome like where Roxas found Sora in it in kingdom hearts 2. Aqua bilt that to make Ventus heal in Aqua's secret ending.

Do you play as Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3?

*NO SPOILERS*Yes. Many people mistake Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep for Kingdom Hearts III. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep is a prequel to the first Kingdom Hearts explaining Sora's past and focusing on three new protagonists: Terra Aqua and Ven. This is commonly referred to as Kingdom Hearts 3, because of the secret video trailer at the end of Kingdom Hearts II. Kingdom Hearts III is not officially started yet, but Tetsuya Nomura has stated in interviews that Kingdom Hearts III will focus on Sora once again, saying that "...Sora will remain the hero until the end." He also said that many more games will come after Kingdom Hearts III, so fear not.

Does Roxas die in kingdom hearts 3?

No, unless Sora dies. But, Roxas can't really "die" since he was never alive to begin with.

Who will be the main character in Kingdom Hearts 3?

I think still Sora

Is Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories also known as Kingdom Hearts 3?

No, Chain of Memories is another game that is about the story about Sora between Kingdom Hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2.

Kingdom Hearts 2?

Kingdom hearts 2 is a game that helps continue wat happened before on kingdom hearts 1 when sora went to kingdom hearts to find his friends. But in the first game he only got 1 friend back on the other side. And that side was at there island. So now in kingdom hearts 2 sora has to find his other friend named riku. And this time sora and the others find more secrets that were kept. And sora is going to find out that riku never wanted sora to find him and that sora and a girl that's friends with and her name is kairi that they both have nobody's that helps sora to his quest. And in the second game of kingdom hearts in the end they all go back to the island but the adventure doesn't stop there. Its not a rumor but kingom hearts 3 is going to come out for the ps3 its call kingdom hearts 3 birth by sleep.

Will you use Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3?

no you play as 3 characters Ventus (Ven) Aqua Terra and its no kh3 its kingdom hearts birth by sleep