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No. Pokemon GO is just for phones and tablets. Even though the console is more mobile than most, it really isn't designed for Pokemon GO.

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8y ago

We don't know that yet. There have been rumors that a third version in the series, called Pokemon Stars, will be released for the Switch, but so far that is just a rumor.

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7y ago

No, the Nintendo Switch does not have any backwards compatibility so it cannot play 3DS games

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yes you can

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an event from a Pokemon movie like the manaphy event was from Pokemon ranger temple of the sea. the Darkria event from Pokemon rise of Darkria should be out soon PS.from Pokemon rise of Darkria if you get that event you will get the membership card so you will be able to go to new moon ialand were Darkria LV40 lives.

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You need an eon ticket, only available from Nintendo conventions. You also used to be able to send your game to Nintendo to get an eon ticket, however this no longer works.

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You have to catch it first at new moon island then i think you should be able to get it from a trade.

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No, of course not! Pokemon is owned by Nintendo and PSP is made by Sony, a rival company. Nintendo would NEVER make a Pokemon PSP game, so the answer is no.I think you are able to download them, but that's not legal. No, THERE IS NO Nintendo DS emulator for PSP if that's what you are implying. There may be fanmade games (Which are legal, but of a poor quality.)

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Yes Ds Games Fit In the DSI

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