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you need to feed him with Pizza or kabobs

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12y ago

No, when you build a menageries and you have built a pet feeder it is impossible for your pets to die by keeping them in your house.

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Q: Will your cat die if you dont feed it in runescape?
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Can you feed fishfood to a crawfish?

no it will die first it will get bruises and then its shell will detioriorate. DONT!!! i know from experience. ANSWER 2 - cat food works.

Why did your cat die?

becuase you didnt feed it

Can pets die in runescape?

pets cant die BUT they can run away if you dont feed them or give them enough water... meaning they basically do die. if they do run away just buy a new one from taverley and take better care of it ;) good luck.

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Feed it to your Rotweiller.

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If you dont feed it.

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Yes it is No, it isn't. It's not your cat's fault; even if it is, it probably didn't do it on purpose.

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you should eat somthing if you dont have anything to eat you are out of luk there buddy

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They don't die after a few days.

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they never die unless you dont feed them

Can a dog die by eating a cucumber?

No,you can not feed your dog[nor cat] a cucumber. Only dog food.

Is you accidentally feed your cat chocolate will it die?

no your cat Will not die but if you gave it alot then it will be sick just know next time when you have chocolate you cat is in your face begging for it DO NOT.......IM GOING TO REPEAT .... DO NOT GIVE YOU CAT NOR YOUR DOG CHOCOLATE.

Can you feed your fish cat food?

no because your fish could die from the high nutrition that your cat needs so i would have to say no