There is no specific WoW Realm that is only Horde. You'll find that in general there are 3 to 4 Alliance characters online for every 1 Horde.
EDITED: I took out some of the last answer for irrelevance and sexual references but left the first bit in as i can neither confirm nor deny these "facts".
However in order for me to properly answer your question i need to know whether you want to join PVP PVE of RP realms.
these are my recommendations from mine and my friends' experiences
PVE: Dath'Remar
PVP: Frostmourne
RP: Steamwheedle Cartel
hope you like these realms, happy playing =]
Close to 11,700.
At the moment,there is about 9,000 horde on Aman'thul. Alliance have about 13,000, so there is about a ratio of 1.4 alliance to 1 horde.
Blackhand, Horde side :)
Realm specific question.
Traitors of the Horde.
According to the WoW Census, the percentage of the factions on Destromath (US) is about 39% Alliance, 61% Horde. However, the census does mention that this data is slightly out of date, so it may vary from this number.
A World of Warcraft player can discover the WoW status of his realm by visiting the home page of his realm. You could also ask others on the World of Warcraft Forum.
Alliance: Hinterlands Horde: Uldaman
The ratio for horde to alliance on Alexstaza is pretty even. Here is the latest census information: Total Characters: 23,366 Alliance: 11,665 (50%) Horde: 11,701 (50%) A to H Ratio: 1 : 1 A to H Activity Ratio: 2.1 : 1 (Meaning for every active horde character, there are two alliance characters.)
There are a variety of sites that offer a Horde Leveling guide for World of Warcraft. One can find this guide on sites such as Ten Ton Hammer, Wow-Pro and Hub Pages.
To play any World of Warcraft you must select a realm and make your character.