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I believe you can. I had an estimate to fibreglass line my pool which was previously lined with vinyl. The tech came out and said they would take the liner out, prepare the surface and coat. There was never any talk of excavating the pool.

QUESTION about the above. WHO gave you the estimate, and did you have it done?

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Ya can do anything ya desire if ya got the money

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Yes you can but you would be replacing the liner every 3-4 years when you can build a gunite pool using the old pool as a base and get another 30-40 years of enjoyment out of it.

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Q: Can you put a new swimming pool liner over the old one?
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We have recently moved to Beaverton, OR and the pool at our home needs a new liner. Where can I go in the Beaverton area to purchase a new swimming pool liner?

You can go to Classic pool and Spa, its in your area.

Is it possible to have a fiberglass or vinyl liner installed over a concrete swimming pool?

Yes but its not recommended. You would have to replace the liner very soon. I have a customer who spent almost 60 grand on a pool were the liner was placed over concrete and now 4 years later she is spending almost 6 grand to replace the liner and redo the pool with vermiculite. Best bet is to refinish the pool with either gunite or vermiculite pool crete and then put in the liner. A liner can last ten to fifteen years before having to be replaced and then when it is replaced, it looks like a brand new pool.

How do you remove wrinkles from the bottom of an in ground pool and why are they there if the pool is new?

The wrinkles are there to provide for liner shrinkage over the years.

What is the difference between a beaded liner and an overlap liner for above ground swimming pools?

A beaded liner will have a thick bead or lip of vinyl around the top of the liner. This bead will fit into a track which is made to receive the bead at the top edge of your pool. To replace it you simply pull out the old one an insert the new. There is a little more to it, but as far as the bead is concerned that is all you have to do with it. Overlap liners are harder to install because there is no bead so you don't know where the correct height is. You overlap the liner over the top edge of the swimming pool and clamp it in place with a piece of plastic. A beaded liner is harder to measure but easier to install and a over lapping liner is just the opposite because you are constantly adjusting the plastic clamps.

What does the lineing in a pool do?

Traditional swimming pools were essentially a hole in the ground of a substantially rectangular shape or other suitable shape. The walls and bottom of the pool were of cement or a similar material made waterproof by mixing with tar or a tar-like substance

Pool Liner?

form_title= Pool Liner form_header= Replace or install a liner for your pool. Do you need to replace an existing liner?*= () Yes () No Is it an in-ground or above-ground pool?*= () In Ground () Above Ground What is the size of your pool?*= _ [50]

How much is my above ground swimming pool worth?

i have an estherr Williams pool 1988 still in good shape with everything new liner new carpet and cover how much can i get for it 27 round with all filter and chemicals linda thanks

How do you get stains off plastic pool steps?

Vinyl liner pool steps are constructed of fiberglass, vinyl ester resin, and swimming pool gel coat. Staining (and blisters) occur around the pools 20th anniversary. It's caused by a breakdown of the white finish called swimming pool gel coat. Stains and blisters can only be removed by replacing the now porous gel coat with new nonporous swimming pool gel coat. Done properly, the new gel coat will last another 20 years.

How To Install Your Own Above Ground Swimming Pool Without Hiring Professionals?

Above ground swimming pools offer many great benefits to families. This is one of the best activities for providing quality time together during warm weather months. Here is a guide to help you when you are installing an above ground swimming pool at your home. Step 1. The first thing that you must do when installing an above ground swimming pool is to prepare the area you have designated for your new pool to be installed. The ground where your above ground swimming pool is going to be installed must be level. This is very important to the outcome of your pool. Measure out the location and dig the area approximately six to twelve inches deep. Step 2. Fill this area with a three inch layer of sand. The sand will help to cradle your liner of the pool and helps to eliminate animals from burrowing under your liner. If you want to use a protective pad, this is the point that you must lay it down also. One product many pool owners use is Gorilla pad. This is a special high density woven fabric that will protect your pool liner from grass, nut grass, weeds, and rocks. This padding will also add years to your pool and liner. Step 3. Carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions concerning the installation of your new above ground swimming pool. According to manufacturer’s recommendations, assemble the support track for the outside walls of the pool. If you plan on using coving to help reduce corrosion damage to your pool, this is when you will want to install it. Step 4. Set up the walls and supports for your above ground swimming pool according to manufacturer’s instructions for your specific swimming pool model. Step 5. You will need assistance to install the vinyl liner that needs to be inserted into your pool wall. If you allow your liner to heat up in the sun while you are completing the previous steps, this will allow your liner to have extra give and make the job of installing it much easier. Smooth the liner out and attach it to the sides of the pool. Step 6. Begin filling your above ground swimming pool with water. Carefully inspect the liner for any bunching or sagging that may occur throughout the filling process. When you pool is about half way to two thirds filled, begin the water maintenance process with your chemicals. Step 7. Install a fence and alarm system for added protection when your pool is completely constructed.

A cleaner for your swimming pool liner?

If your pool liner is still in good condition but have a faded tile border, buy BorderLines adhesive tile borders. BorderLines offers several nice tile patterns that just peel and stick to any smooth surface and can be done in a short afternoon by one person. I did it to mine and got a few extra years out of my pool liner before it needed replaced, Wow does my pool look new again, check it out at Good Luck

How long before you can use your new liner pool?

1 month

Faded Pool Liner?

Buy Borderlines adhesive tile borders, makes your pool look new again.