The pressure gauge that is set up in front of the pool filter is there to show you when the filter needs cleaning or back washing. when the pressure gets high it indicates that there is too much dirt there for the water to pass efficiently, Cleaning it at this point will reduce the pressure and make the water flow better through the filter
It could mean on of a few things, either A) There's air in the system building up pressure in the filter, open up the bleeder valve and let all the air out until you get a steady stream of water coming out, this should reduce your pressure. B) You could have a clog or obstruction of some kind on the back end of the system, going from the filter to the pool, check that out, or 3) The Filter may be very dirty and therefore be ineffective, clean/backwash the filter to solve this problem.
when the pressure is high on filter mode it usually means that a backwash is required.
Possible clogged oil galley, filter, defective oil pressure gage, or the use of an oil that is the incorrect weight. Replace the oil filter with a Purolator filter and change the oil. Install 5W-30 oil. If the pressure is still high then you need to have the oil pressure tested with an accurate test gage, to see exactly what it is.
Water is meeting more resistance as it is making its way through the filter media usually indicating that the filter needs to be cleaned. Some times in the case of sand filters it indicate that the sand needs to be replaced.
the high pressure oil pump
because the leak releases pressure?
High pressure
High blood pressure
High pressure at the surface
Probably because it is clean, leave it on the filter setting for a while and you will find that the pressure will increase as the filter gets dirtier, when it get high (usually in the red ) you will have to backwash.
High cholesterol levels, and not enough exercise.
high blood pressue, glacouma
high potassium causes arrhythmias and the arrhythmias that it causes can reduce blood pressure causing someone to collapse.