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Q: What is a reach when referring to a body of water?
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Which body of water does not reach the greek shore?

The body of water that did not reach greek shore is the Atlantic ocean.

What is a lack of water over a period of time called?

It can be a drought when referring to lack of rain fall or dehydration when referring the the human body.

What body of water did the Romans travel to reach Judea?

The Mediterranean Sea.

What body of water did traders cross to reach Europe?

black sea

What is a body of water larger than a bay that reaches into the land?

A body of water larger than a bay is a gulf. They usually reach into the land and are salt water.

What body water did Arab traders cross to reach Europe?

black sea

What is the definition of a bay referring to water?

Like a big body of water that feeds into an ocean. See: san fransisco bay

Which body of water did Cortes take as he traveled from Cuba to reach land?

Atlantic Ocean

What body of water did Arab traders cross to reach Europe?

black sea

What is the reach on the A380?

If by "reach" you're referring to wingspan, the A380 wingspan is 261.5 feet. If by "reach" you're referring to range, the A380 can fly 8200 nautical miles with a full load of passengers.

What is the difference between every body and everybody?

"Every body" should only be used when referring to each BODY that people have, or in a phrase such as "every body of water." "Everybody" is equivalent to "everyone."

Where is doon the watter?

'Doon the watter' ("Down the water") is an old Scottish colloquialism referring to travel dowstream or simply away on a body of water.