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Q: What is sodium bisulphate?
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It is a sodium bisulphate or sodium hydrogen sulfate?

Either is correct. Bisulphate is another name for sodium hydrogen sulfate, both referring to NaHSO4

Sodium bisulphat formula?

The sodium bisulphate formula is NaHSO4. This is studied in science.

Can sodium bisulphite replace dry acid in swimming pools?

Sodium Bisulphate is dry acid for swimming pool use.

Can Sodium bisulphate be used to correct pH in potable water?

Yes; it lowers pH and it is used commercially in certain beverages. However, you must make certain that you're using food-grade sodium bisulphate, and also that you're not using too much.

What is the formula for sodium bisulphate?

The chemical formula for sodium bisulfate is NaHSO4. It is composed of one sodium atom, one hydrogen atom, one sulfur atom, and four oxygen atoms.

What is the valency of bisulphate?

The valency of bisulphate is -1.

How do you clean beer lines in post mix dispenser?

Flush them through with a solution of sodium meta-bisulphate, followed by clean water.

What is a bisulphate?

A bisulphate is a univalent anion, HSO4-, or any salt containing this anion.

What is valency of bisulphate?


What is the name of NaHSO4 H2O?

The preferred modern name for the compound with the formula NaHSO4.H2O is "sodium acid sulfate monohydrate". This compound was formerly called "sodium bisulfate monohydrate", and some chemists still use the older name.

Effect of potassium bisulphate as a food preservative under various condition?

study of effect of potassium bisulphate as food preservatie under various conditions

What is the Difference of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate for treating swimming pool PH?

No it cannot. Sodium bicarb has a ph of 8.4. To lower ph you would need to use a dry acid (sodium bisulphate) or muriatic acid. City water is normally treated and has a ph of 7.5 but it would take a large amount of fresh water to lower the ph of a pool.