Dogs are basically wolves. There is nothing in their genetic makeup that has conditioned them to certain things like clear glistening water, moving without running (head out the car window) and so forth.
Not sure about the above, but so long as your dog is either safely fenced off from going in the pool or wearing a dog life jacket for safety, there is no harm in staring into the pool. If a dog jumps into a pool with no dog life vest on, they can easily tire swimming and usually in a bid to get out. Always ensure your dog does not have free access to a swimming pool that has no shallow end with exit steps or make sure you always have your dog wearing a doggie life jacket when he's around the pool with access, as they prevent drowning.
He drowned in a swimming pool
No, the chlorination will not harm the dog.
in what movie
A hyperbole for swimming could be "My daughter swims like a fish."
Yes, a dog swimming in the pool can introduce organic matter such as dirt, hair, and oils, which can contribute to reducing the chlorine level in the pool. It is essential to monitor and adjust the chlorine level accordingly when pets are using the pool. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the pool filter are also important in managing the chlorine levels.
'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.
Well it really depends on how long the dog was in it, how strong the chemicals were in the chlorinated pool. But if it was a regular swimming pool, and the dog was in there from 2-3 hours, in and out, i would say yes, it's possible the rash is caused because of that. Also if the pool has 76% or higher of high chemicals, that would be what have caused it too.
it depends on which swimming pool
What are swimming pool "Coopers"
No KidsCorner does not have a swimming pool.
wats a swimming pool
in an olympic swimming pool its 50m