This a double barrel shotgun. This is my second favorite shotgun in the world. The reason why it is called 12 Ga double barrel is that the barrel in 12 inches long, and every two shots, it has to be reload.
It s a Stevens model 311D double barrel shotgun serial number A226687 16 gauge. everything is on the side of the shotgun.
double barrel 16 ga.
The value of a Stevens 12 ga. double barrel shotgun ranges from $100 to $500 depending on its condition. These shotguns were often used for hunting and personal protection.
50-125 USD
50-160 or so
50-150 USD
It could be anywhere from 30-100 years old and worth 50-300 USD
I had a fulton 20 double when I was 12 in 1953. It was probably over twenty years old then making it's mfg date maybe 1933 or even further back. Warren
Internet auctions, garage sale, gun shop, gun show, want ad
50-150 USD
@ 100 USD or so.