Your serial number indicates that you have a Ithaca crass model double,that was made in 1903.
It is only worth what the person buys it for...
built in 1908, 104 yrs old
Numrich Gun Parts Corp. online at
this is a Lewis model made between 1905 1910.
It sounds to me like you have a Early made Ithaca Baker model double barrel shotgun made in 1889-1890.As to value I would have someone with the knowledge to evaluate you gun and then he could assign a value for you.
There's a list of serial numbers by year at
I am not sure about the age or value, but I would sure like to own it to rabbit hunt with.
Ithaca SN 68814 was manufactured in 1902 according to Ithaca Gun Company records compiled and released in 1960. It is a Lewis model if hammerless and New Ithaca Gun if it has hammers.
If that is an old double barrel "New Ithaca Double" it was made in 1926.
I have a 12 gauge shotgun with the numbers 4041 on it. It has a double barrel and double trigger and hammerless. Could someone tell me what year it was made?