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Q: What is the value of a Crass Ithaca double barrel shotgun?
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What is the age of a Ithaca hamerless double barrel shotgun with a serial number of 91318?

It sounds as if you have a Ithaca Crass model shotgun,that was produced in the year 1903 by your serial number.

Is an Ithaca double barrel serial 91650 a Crass or a Lewis?

1903 Lewis

How old is a Ithaca hammerless double barrel with serial number 88766?

Your serial number indicates that you have a Ithaca crass model double,that was made in 1903.

How can you find out the model of a Ithaca double barrel 12 gauge serial number of 364xx?

The Ithaca Crass Model was named after Ithaca's Fredrick Crass who designed it. It was introduced in 1888. The serial number range for the Crass Model is approximately 7,000 to 50,000. There are nine different levels of quality (1, 1-1/2, 1P, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7) with appropriately escalating values.

What is the age and value of an Ithaca Hammerless side by side damascus twist double barrel 12-gauge shotgun SN 28853?

Knows as the 'Crass Model' after designer Frederick Crass. The Crass Model was only made from 1888 to 1901. Yours would be c.1895. Need to know which grade. Remove the barrel set and look on the water table. These guns were marked with the gauge and the grade from 1 to 7 (and 1P). Depending on grade and condition, $200 to $1000.

What is the value of an Ithaca gun company double barrel shotgun approx 100 yrs old in good condition with engraving of hunting dog and smokeless powder steel?

From your description it could be an early Crass model in Field Grade. A serial number would determine the exact model. Up to $700 +/-

I have an Ithaca 12 ga double barreled internal hammer shotgun i have looked on it for numbers and i have found 9943 and on another part it says 212 it says Ithaca Gun Co Ithaca NY wondering value?

By your ques I take it that 9943 was on the watertable and that it is the serial numberand it equtes to an Ithaca Crass 1889, as for your 212 number you stated in your ques that would equate to a 12 ga grade 2.

What the value of a 1901 grade 5 Ithaca Crass?

A Grade 5 Crass would be a very rare shotgun. Value could hit $3000 in top condition. Best get a hands-on appraisal by someone knowledgable in the older Ithacas.

How can you tell the model of an Ithaca side by side if it just says Ithaca Gun Co?

Ithaca really only made one model of double-barrel at any given time. Certain design changes have been called as different models (Flues, Crass, etc) and that can be determined by serial number. Also, the grade designation on the water table is important.

What is the age and value of an Ithaca Gun Co damascus double barrel with serial 19866 and engraved dogs on the side?

Early 1890's Crass Model Ithaca, poss 1892. Value is going to be dependant upon condition and grade. The grade is usually found stamped on the watertable. Generally, from $250-$1500.

Where can you find information about an Ithaca Hammerless 12 gauge side by side 82919 that you believe is a 907?

Perhaps you mean 1907. In any event, it is the 'Crass' model Ithaca shotgun made in 1902. Value is dependent upon grade and condition.

What is the value of a 1903 12 gauge Ithaca Hammerless Lewis Model shotgun?

Book value ranges from $280 for a 10% condition gun to $1,000 for one in 100% condition. By the way, are you sure it is a Lewis? All of the 1903 production I have seen are Crass variations. Additinal Answer - According to the table in "Ithaca Gun Company...", the Lewis and NIG were both made in 1903. 1901 was the last year for the Crass.