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No, they only seem brighter because everything is frosted and snowy so light reftracts off it making them seem brighter

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Q: Are lights brighter in winter
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Are led tail lights better than normal tail lights?

The only difference between LED lights and normal lights is that LED lights are much brighter and are a brighter white than normal lights. Some find the brighter lights better, while others find the lights too bright.

How do I make my hid lights brighter?

There is definitely a way to make your HID lights brighter. To make your HID lights brighter, you can purchase and install xenon projectors or specifically designed reflectors. You also have the choice of upgrading your reflectors to halogen headlamps to make them even brighter.

How do you make your dashboard lights brighter?

The little nozzle on the side by your head lights adjuster ;)

What type of circuit will produce brighter lights is it series circular direct or parallel?

Parallel connections will draw more current than equivalent lights connected in series, so the parallel configuration will be brighter.

Are the Northern Lights brighter than the Southern and why?

No - they are equal, depending on solar activity.

How can you make your house brighter?

You can change your lighting source to a more brighter version. One way is to use spot lights, this will increase the rooms brightenss.

Why is a person paler in the winter and more brighter in the summer?

Most people do not get exposed to the sun in the winter because we cover up.

Why are lights turned off in movies?

because the lights on the movie screen will appear brighter (you get the full effect of the colour on the big screen)

Why is the winter sun seem brighter than the summer sun?

because the rays of the sun bounce of of the shiny snow/ice and it makes the rays brighter

What is brighter flood lights or spotlights?

Neither, both can be brighter and dimmer based on the efficiancy it is set to. BUT spot light are a more concentrated light while flood lights are meant to "flood the stage" with light. hope this helps. ~theatre nerd

Why do the closer streetlights appear brighter than the more distant lights?

The closer streetlights appear brighter than the more distant lights due to the concept of perspective. As objects move farther away, they appear smaller and less intense to our eyes. This change in size and intensity gives the illusion that closer streetlights are brighter.