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Parallel connections will draw more current than equivalent lights connected in series, so the parallel configuration will be brighter.

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Q: What type of circuit will produce brighter lights is it series circular direct or parallel?
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Why a circuit will produce a loading effect?

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I'm assuming you are looking for the name of the conic section produced by this type of intersection? If a right circular cone is intersected by a plane parallel to one edge of the cone, the resulting curve of intersection would be a parabola. If the intersecting plane was parallel to the base, it would be a circle. If the intersecting plane was at any angle between being parallel to the base and being parallel to an edge, it would produce an ellipse or part of an ellipse (depending on whether the intersection was completely within the cone).

What produces more light series or parallel circuits?

A series circuit will produce more voltage. For example, two 12 volt automotive batteries both have a 600 amp capacity. Connect the 2 batteries in series and you will have 24 volts with 600 amp capacity. Connect the 2 batteries in parallel and you will have 12 volts with 1200 amp capacity.

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When cells and batteries are wired together in parallel?

The voltage stays the same as a single battery but the amperage multiplies by the number of batteries in the circuit. Example: Three 12 volt batteries with a CCA or 300 amps each wired together in parallel will produce 12 volts and 900 CCA.

What is the difference between parallel circuits and series circuit?

In parallel circuits all positives go to negatives, in series it is positive to positive,negative to negative. The difference example , if 12 vote batteries are in parallel 2 batteries would produce 24 volts, in series you would boost the time required to depleate the battery, but it would stay at 12 volts.

What is the effect of changing the numbers of batteries in a circuit?

Before we can attempt an answer to that question, we'll need to agree on themeaning of the fuzzy, slippery phrase "amount of electricity". I'm going to interpretthat phrase to mean the current through the circuit.If the batteries are connected in series, then more batteries produce more currentthrough the circuit.If the batteries are connected in parallel, then the number of them has no effecton the magnitude of current through the circuit. But whatever the current is, morebatteries will cause it to flow in the circuit for a longer time, before they run down.

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put capacitor parallel on load (peak rectifier) or add low frequency pass filter (composed of L & C) to remove AC components

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How do batteries produce a voltage difference in a circuit?

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