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Q: How much snow is there on mount Washington NH today?
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How much snow does Mount Washington have on it today?

Mount Washington has a base of 50 cm. Last night they got 25 cm. They have a web site that tells current snow conditions. Check the Mount Washington website for details of current snow totals.

How much snow does Mount Washington N.H.?


How much snow does mount Washington N.H. get?


Why does it snow so much on mount Washington?

It usually snows so much on Mount Washington because the mountain is tall and the temperatures on the peak are very cold.

How much snow does the mount Washington nh have today?

Snow doesn't tend to accumulate on "the rock" because the wind quickly blows it off the summit. You can check on the current conditions though at the related link.

How much snow does Mount Washington get on the ground a day?

On average, Mount Washington receives at least .1 inches of snow 118 days out of the year. This New Hampshire mountain sees over 40 inches of snow from December through March.

How many snowcones could be made from the snow on Mount Everest?

that is impossible to answer unless you knew how much snow was on mount. everst

Where was the deepest snow in USA?

Mount Baker, Washington where 1,140 inches of snow fell in a single season. This is the world's record for largest snowfall in a single season.

How much snow does mount Washington nh have on the ground today?

Well at this very moment they say it has About 699 cm OS snow. 22 feet, and is calling for ALOT more, so my guess is they can get alot of snow. :) But the snow they have now, i heard is a record of most snow in a log time.

How does mount Everest continue to change today?

The main changes in Mount Everest today is that the glaciers and snow is melting at a faster rate then people thought, also there are many more people on the mountain.

Is there snow on Mount Rushmore?

Yes, in the winter there can be snow on Mount Rushmore.

How much snow does Everett Washington get?

Only a few inches.