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Humidity is relative. The warmer the air the more moisture it can hold. Humidity is the percentage of maxium moisture that air can hold at a given temprature. At 70 degrees it should more than 20 and less than 50 percent.

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Q: What should the humidity be in your home in winter with the furnace set at 70 degrees?
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What temperature should you keep thermostate at for your furnace?

Winter? 68-72 but make sure you get the humidity up to 55-60 percent or you won't feel warm and cozy.

Is it cheaper to leave the temperature stable?

Is it cheaper to leave your gas furnace setting at 68 degrees in the winter

Humidity Level in a homeWhat is the Average?

During the fall and winter months, the humidity level in a home averages between 60 and 70 degrees. During the summer months, the humidity level in a home averages between 80 and 90 degrees depending on climate and locality.

What are the weather condition summer autumn winter spring in New York?

summer temperatures are usually in the high 80's for the most part, but in July and August it gets up to around 94. It is usually hot and humid. Autumn comes on suddenly in late September, cooling down to around 65 to 70 degrees during the day and around 55 at night with much less humidity. Winter ,which seems to last forever, the temperatures go down to 25 to 32 degrees at night but going up a few degrees during the day with some humidity. Spring always seems to have trouble getting started....a lot of rain at first with temperatures around 45 degrees, but then, as if someone turned on a furnace, it warms up to around 75 degrees in May

How come there is no humidity in the winter?

the reason it is humdity in the winter is because it is cold

What is the average relative humidity in winter in Flint Michigan?

The average relative humidity in winter in Flint, Michigan is around 75-80%. This level of humidity is considered high and can contribute to the cold feeling during winter months.

How hot is it in Jamaica in July?

In the summer, Jamaica is can be 33 - 34 degrees Celsius, which is about 93 Fahrenheit. This is a few degrees hotter than in the winter. The real feeling of heat in the summer comes from the extra humidity in the air.

What a good sentence for humidity?

The humidity outside is very high.ORDuring the summer the humidity in the air is usually higher than in winter.

What is a high efficiency furnace I should look into buying in order to keep my 5000 square foot home warm?

a high efficiency furnace is a furnace that uses less electicity and saves on heating expences. they are very useful in the winter and great to lower your central heating bills.

Should you use a dehumidifier in cold weather?

You should get a Indoor Thermometer & Humidity Gauge. If your house humidity for any room is around 38-45% your great. Above 48% get a humidifier. But for the most part it drops in the winter and gets higher in the summer.

What is Suggested thermostat setting?

Heating winter in mild weather: 67 degrees " in colder weather: 70 degrees Cooling summer mild weather : 74 degrees " in hotter weather: 76 degrees Reasons: mild winter- 67 degrees-- the humidity in your house will be high enough to make this comfortable. Cold winter- 70 degrees-- The house will be drier and draftier, so a higher setting is needed. If you are still cold at 70 degrees, check the insulation. If your insulation is good but you are still cold at 70 degrees, consider using humidifiers so you will feel warmer. Mild summer-- Since the a/c will not kick on frequently, a setting of 74 is necessary to assure that it kicks on frequently enough to remove enough humidity for comfort. If the weather is very comfortable, try shutting the a/c off and opening some windows. Hot Summer- 76 degrees: since the a/c will kick on more frequently, it will remove enough humidity to be comfortable at 76 degrees. You can move the thermostat up 2 degrees and save money.

Why is it easier to generate static electricity in the winter than in the summer?

Static is produced most in the winter season because the air is dry, and there isn't alot of humidity in the air, that is also why your skin drys up.