It starts to get hot in November, in December through March it is very hot. Average temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit and easily reaches 100 degrees.
November comes after October
November has 30 days and December has 31
December is when you run out of days in November
There are three seasons, cool and dry from May to August, hot and dry from September to November and warm and wet December to April.
There are three seasnons, Cool and dry from May to August, hot and dry from September to November and warm and wet from December to April
No. The 26th of December would be a month after the 26th of November.
November: 5 Mondays December: 4 Mondays.
Blue topaz is not the birthstone for either November or December. November's birthstone is citrine or topaz, while December's birthstone is blue topaz, turquoise, or tanzanite.
Sagittarius is typically associated with the zodiac sign for those born between November 22 and December 21. This places Sagittarius in the months of November and December.