

Causes of French Revolution

Updated: 8/18/2023
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11y ago

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Middle class people wanted a greater political role and peasants also wanted more freedom. The french government and upper classes proved incapable of reform. That resulted the Economic slump. which set the seal on revolution.

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13y ago

The main cause of the French Revolution was that there was monarchy.The society was divided into 3 estates.1st estate consisted of clergies..2nd estate consisted of nobels..And..3rd estate consisted of buissnesmen,lawyers,teachers and peasents.There was a high tax imposed on commodities like bread.This tax was taken by the king from the peasents only not from the 1st and 2nd estate.Therefore,the 1st and 2nd estates enjoyed freedom and were given rights from their birth whereas the peasents didn't get any rights..It was obvious that the peasents found it unfair.The church also took tax from them like tithes and taille.And the most important reason was that during subsistence crisis,the taxes were increased

.That is why the educated 3rd estate people like JOHN LOCKE,and,JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU encouraged the peasents to start a revolution called THE FRENCH REVOLUTION.*

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13y ago

A country that was near bankruptcy, bad weather had reduced wheat production for the second year in a row and bread was expensive and in short supply. The Catholic Church owned ten percent of all the land, paid no taxes, but, charged a tithe on incomes within the parish.

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11y ago

The main cause of the French Revolution was the fact that people in the third estate were being treated poorly. One example was the fact that they were taxed a lot.

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