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Probably not. Henry II clearly regretted the death of Becket. He was very angry at Becket at the time of Becket's death, but he was also very ill, and we have no precise record of what he said about Becket at the time.

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yes he wanted him dead because he wanted all the churches and he was jealous of bekket

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Henry II of England.

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he was a big fart face

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Q: Did King Henry II want Thomas Becket to die?
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Why did Hugh of horsea a chaplain want to harm becket?

Because he supported Reginald de Broc and the king in the quarrel with Becket. The feud was not Henry II vs the Church, it was Henry II and various members of the church, including the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of London and Salisbury vs Becket.

What did Henry ii do after thomas Beckett died?

He was very remorseful because many hsitorians think that he did not want Becket murdered. After Becket's death Henry paid penance and walked the streets topless and got whipped by monks to spare his sins.

Why was Catherine of Aragon called Catherine of Aragon?

They married because Henry VII got her and prince Arthur to marry so that England would get more money however Arthur died only a few days after the marriage Henry did not want to lose the money so he got Henry VIII to marry her. However in order for this to happen Henry VII had to give the pope a indulgence payment.

Why did tostig want harald hardrada to be king?

Because he didn't like the fact that his brother (Harold Godwineson) was king.

Why was Catherine of aragon divorced?

Catherine of Aragon's marriage was annulled; she did not divorce. The reasons Henry VIII wanted the marriage annulled were due indirectly on the pressures to produce a male heir. He simultaneously, fell in love with Anne Boleyn, after he had start the formal process of requesting the Church annul his marriage to Catherine. Long delays, and the attempts to exert control over England, and her crown by the Roman Catholic Church, resulted in Henry formally breaking from the Roman Catholic Church. He then appointed the Crown (or King) as Supreme Head of the Church, in England. Thomas Cranmer, the archbishop of Canterbury then granted Henry annulment of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon.

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Who did thomas becket want to punish?

Thomas Becket wanted to punish King Henry II of England for trying to increase his own power by taking power away from the Church.

Did the king want thomas becket to die?

probally not

Did Thomas Becket want to die?

The people thought that Thomas Becket was a traitor because he didnt agree with the kings view of the church. so people thought he was a traitor because he used to be good friends with King Henry II and now they think he is being disloyal to him which they thought meant he was a traitor. Thomas Becket was not a traitor though.

Why did thomas becket want more power over the church?

When Henry II ascended the throne, he appointed his close friend Thomas à Becket Archbishop of Canterbury. Initially, Becket was supposed to use this role as a vehicle to further Henry II's plans. But Becket realized shortly after assuming the office that he had a moral responsibility to the souls of his parishioners, and that Henry's ambitions were in direct conflict with that. He decided to take his job seriously, and told Henry he couldn't follow through on the plans.

Why did Hugh of horsea a chaplain want to harm becket?

Because he supported Reginald de Broc and the king in the quarrel with Becket. The feud was not Henry II vs the Church, it was Henry II and various members of the church, including the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of London and Salisbury vs Becket.

How did Thomas Becket die?

I think Becket died because of the worries and the temptation that he was going to killed by his friend Henry. I think Becket ralised the selfish actions he did to his truthful friend Henry.Henry was a good friend so he gave Thomas a life changing chance of being Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas found it very useful because being Archibishop of Caterbury means he would have control over people and gain lots of money.Things didn't go that well as it thought would have been. After Thomas became the Archibishop it was like Thomas transformed into a different person. The whole point that Henry made Thomas Archibishop was that Thomas could help Henry to control the church. Henry wanted Thomas to take control over the churhc and make the church weaker so that the King would have more power than the church. But Thomas started ignoring Henry and refused to make the church weaker. By doing this Henry got really angry. Bucket fled to France but came back and did more things that infuriated Henry. Henry became over tempted and accidentally shouted get rid off that troublesome priest. Henry didn't mean to do that. But the knights wanted Henry happy at all times so murdered Thomas Becket.In conclusion it was Henry's Becket's and knight's fault. If Becket had listened to Henry he could have prevented the murder. If Henry controlled his temtation he could prevented the murder of his friend and finally if the Knights had waited patiently for clear orders from the king they could prevented the murder of Thomas Becket.By Aby Jacob @ HFTC

Did King Henry II want to kill Thomas becket?

Becket was excommunicating his opponents in the church, and the king saw this as a nuisance. Henry II was speaking of killing him, but didn't actually mean it. His soldiers took it upon themselves to act in the king's interests and murdered him. This is why there was a memorial made for him; the King felt guilty.

Why did Henry want becket to become archbishop?

To control the church courts

What did Henry ii do after thomas Beckett died?

He was very remorseful because many hsitorians think that he did not want Becket murdered. After Becket's death Henry paid penance and walked the streets topless and got whipped by monks to spare his sins.

Is an example of Medieval challenges to Church authority.?

It was common for kings to appoint their own people to church offices of power. At the same time, it was common for the Pope or various bishops to want to be able to reserve this right for the church. King Henry II of England put together a plan to reduce church authority in favor of the crown. The plan was called the Constitutions of Clarendon. He required the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, to agree in writing, which Becket refused to do. This lead to a disagreement that ultimately lead to Becket's death at the hands of Henry's knights. For Henry, this was a disaster which tainted the remainder of his reign and was one of the greatest regrets of his life. Becket was considered a martyr and saint, and pilgrimages to Canterbury began very quickly, during the reign of King Henry.

Did Henry want Becket to be murdered?

No. Henry got mad, said alot of stuff he didnt mean, his knights thought this meant they would be doing him a great favour if they killed becket so off they trotted and killed him. But Henry was upset when he found out.

What was Thomas Becket when he didn't mind being murderd?

Does it really matter, why do you want to know anyway?