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"Canada West" was not a political entity. It was part of the pre-Confederation Province of Canada. "Canada West" was a geographical name that was applied to the territory of the former colony of Upper Canada between February 10, 1841, and July 1, 1867, i.e., between the the Act of Union and Confederation.

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12y ago

because they knew that they would not get equal rights! such as their language and their culture, canada west allowed them to keep all their culture in order to have quebec as a canadian province. east knew that canada would not form without them, so they knew they could get whatever they wanted

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I believe that the main disadvantages were that the natives were on a uprise of population and threatening to take over Quebec.

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11y ago

The colonies would lose their independent status, their resources, their ability to define and decide their future both culturally and politically, and of course lots of money.

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11y ago

the cons about confederation is that the people that live in the dominion of Canada get angry that they don't get paid much

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U get more ladies and yea

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Q: Disadvantages of Canada west joining confederation?
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How did confederation solve the political deadlock?

Canada east and Canada west had the same number of seats in legislative assembly so all the people from Canada west voted for one thing but all the people from Canada east voted for another thing. They weren't getting anything done so they decided to join together and have a federal government. :-)

What year did the northwest territories become a part of Canada?

Rupert's Land and the "North-western Territory" were transferred from Britain to Canada on July 15, 1870. After the transfer, both were merged under the name, "The North-West Territories."

What did Thomas D'Arcy Mcgee contribute to the confederation?

Respect for Minorities, including the French. Many people felt that minorities needed protection within Confederation and McGee gave voice to those concerns.D'Arcy made Confederation possible. He sold Confederation to the Catholics in both East and West Canada (Ontario and Quebec). He more than most argued for Confederation."We are a generation worthy to organise a nation, assuredly the materials are abundant and are at hand."

What is Canada west now called?

Canada west is also known as Western Canada and the western provinces. This is the result of the attempt to reject from the culture.

How does the RCMP show Canadian identity?

There is no "Canadian Identity". Canada is a Confederation of many Nations each with many cultures and their own identity. One of those Nations include Ontario who saw Western Canada as their own. When those living in Western Canada rebelled against colonization by Canada many people in Ontario took it as an insult on many levels. Rebellions were not acceptable. The response was swift and violent and resulted in Canada, mostly Ontario, creating a paramilitary police force that would be permanently stationed in the West to keep the rebellious locals in check. In that way it shows that those from the Province of Canada are violently opposed to others having input in a Confederation their consider theirs and theirs alone.

Related questions

What were the disadvantages for Canada West to join confederation in 1867?


How did Canada east feel about Canada west joining the Confederation?

Canada East and Canada West were already part of a political union, the Province of Canada, before Confederation, so they wouldn't have seen each other as joining Confederation. In the Province of Canada, Confederation was seen as a solution to a domestic issue. The Parliament of Canada was ineffective because a double majority of MPs from Canada West and Canada East was needed in order to pass legislation. Governments were fragile and short lived political coalitions, and they could never get anything done because the two regions could not agree on anything.Federalism brought greater autonomy for the two regions by granting them self government, and strengthened the central government by freeing it from the need to please everybody all the time and by bringing in more parties to the union, namely Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which helped to correct the adversarial East/West dynamic.

Why did Canada East join Confederation?

because the political deadlock was making it impossible to do anything in Canada east and Canada west. ================================================================ Technically, Canada East did not join Confederation. Canada East and Canada West were merely geographical designations, not political entities. The pre-Confederation Province of Canada was the political entity that joined Confederation. Immediately upon Confederation, the Province of Canada was divided into the Province of Québec and the Province of Ontario.

Did Canada West join Confederation?


What colonies were in confederation?

New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia , Canada East, Canada West.

How were the people of Canada east and west different?

Canada East and Canada West were not "created." They were merely geographical designations within the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.

Who were the first colonies to join confederation?

the first four colonies to join confederation were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada East and Canada West.

What colonies were interested in confederation?

New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia , Canada East, Canada West.

What are the negative things about Canada west joining the confederacy?

there are no negative things

Where did Confederation happen?

As a guess, confederation happened at the last conference, the London conference, on 1867.At that time only four provinces joined - *Canada East, *Canada West, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. At the second Conference which was the Quebec Conference. Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland didn't want to join Confederation. Canada East - Quebec \ Canada East and Canada West were called the United Provinces of Canada in 1841 Canada West- Ontario /

Who were the first four colonies to join confederation?

the first four colonies to join confederation were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada East and Canada West.

When did Canada West join Confederation?

Canada West was never a separate political entity. The term was used to designate the area that used to be the colony of Upper Canada, i.e., the western part of the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.The Province of Canada joined Confederation on July 1, 1867, and was simultaneously divided into the Province of Ontario and the Province of Québec.