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world cultures, including the studies of Egypt, mayans, mesopotamia, India, etc.

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Q: Good history level for year 9?
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a good weight for a 9 year old is 35

What is level 6 in year 7 equivalent to?

A level 6 in year 9 can equate to a grade B at GCSE in that particular subject. A level 6 in year 7 means the pupil is almost definitley on target for an A* in that subject at GCSE. Level 6 in the average grade for a year 9 student.

Is level 5 good for a yr 6?

Yes, level 5 is good for a year 6. Here is a simple table to show you the expectations of a child: Level W Working towards level 1, very weak Level 1 Average for a typical 5 year old Level 2 Average for a typical 7 year old Level 3 Average for a typical 9 year old Level 4 Average for a typical 11 year old Level 5 Average for a typical 13 year old Level 6 Average for a typical 14 year old Level 7 Above average for typical 14 yr old Level 8 Only available in maths Hope this helps :)

Is level 7B in Math a good level in year 8?

That is great for someone who is in year 8. In fact, level 6s are expected by school kids at the end of Yr9, so potentially, you are smarter than a vast amount of people in year 9 and quite possibly a few people in year 10. :) You must be one smart guy (or gal).

What level do you get your fourth room on pet party?

Level 10 or 9 GOOD LUCK!

What the average level for year 9 in science?

it roughly about 6a and 6b

What is an average level at ks3 for 12 year old?

Considered level 4 is average for someone in year 6 and level 5/6 is average for someone in year 9 I would say 4C-5B level 7 is above average.

What level does a 9 year old play in ice hockey?

he would be in squirts

What is a good bedtime for a 9 year old who is in the third grade?


What subjects do i have to take for my options in year 9 to become a lawyer i researched it but i couldn't find the right information i needed?

you need history, business studies (GCSE) try to get good grades as this will be really good for becoming a lawyer .

What level should a 13 year old be achiving in science year 9?

The government expects a year nine student to achieve a level 6c-6a by the end of year nine.Personally however, I think a year nine should be a achieving a level seven and higher simply as many students in the year below achieve level sevens in the middle of year eight.