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World War 2 began because at the time Germany was poor.

a man called Hitler thought that the Jews were to blame . so Hitler got the trust off the Germans and disgraced the Jew's, by making them go around wearing a big yellow star on their cloths so that people would knew that they were Jew's.

after a while the were rounded up and send to a place called a consintration camp. in the consintration camps there was a place were the got gassed. there is a book called the boy in the stripped pajamas which is about a nine year old boy who lives in Berlin with his mam dad and sister. Bruno the nine year old boy has three friends. also there was a 13 year old girl who was hidden away with her family so they wont have to go to the consintration camps. in the end only the father served so the name of that book is Anne frank or Anne.

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10y ago

World War 2 began because Poland was invaded by Hitler on 1 September 1939.

AnswerBecause of Hitler's expansion. Hitler demanded one country after another. Although the Allied powers allowed him to take over several German-speaking countries, eventually it was too much. Because of Hitle... wait the other guy said what I was going to say. Oh man!!!

during world war one Adolf Hitler was an infantryman in the German military. when Germany ended the war and surrendered to the allies Hitler blamed the Jews from then on he hated the Jewish community. when he had his chance to take control as chancellor he gave speeches on his views of the Jews and many people agreed with him. in 1939 the Nazis(hitlers military force and political party under the third Reich) invaded Poland after signing a peace treaty with russia to not interfere Britain although did not approve and declared war. after realiznig the power of the German war machine Britain called for its allies (u.s. Australia Canada so forth) in 1940 Germany invaded France and flushed the british out back to Britain. the German luftwaffe (German airforce) began day and night bombing operations with light-heavy bombers with fighter support the british spitfires were outnumbered. the united states sent tanks and planes but it did not do much without the man power. in 1941 japan attacked pearl harbor an ameriacn naval base in Oahu Hawaii which forced America into the war.


Effects of the Treaty of VersaillesMany of the seeds of World War II in Europe were sown by the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I. In its final form, the treaty placed full blame for the war on Germany and Austria-Hungary, as well as exacted harsh financial reparations and led to territorial dismemberment. For the German people, who had believed that the armistice had been agreed to based on US President Woodrow Wilson's lenient Fourteen Poins, the treaty caused resentment and a deep mistrust of their new government, the Weimar Republic. The need to pay war reparations, coupled with the instability of the government, contributed to massive hyperinflation which crippled the German economy. This situation was made worse by the onset of the Great Depression.

In addition to the economic ramifications of the treaty, Germany was required to demilitarize the Rhineland and had severe limitations placed on the size of its military, including the abolishment of its air force. Territorially, Germany was stripped of its colonies and forfeited land for the formation the country of Poland. To ensure that Germany would not expand, the treaty forbade the annexation of Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.

Rise of Fascism & the Nazi PartyIn 1922, Benito Mussolini and the Fascist Party rose to power in Italy. Believing in a strong central government and strict control of industry and the people, Fascism was a reaction to the perceived failure of free market economics and a deep fear of communism. Highly militaristic, Fascism also was driven by a sense of belligerent nationalism that encouraged conflict as a means of social improvement. By 1935, Mussolini was able to make himself the dictator of Italy and transformed the country into a police state.

To the north in Germany, Fascism was embraced by the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazis. Swiftly rising to power in the late 1920s, the Nazis and their charismatic leader, Adolf Hitler, followed the central tenets of Fascism while also advocating for the racial purity of the German people and additional German Lebensraum (living space). Playing on the economic distress in Weimar Germany and backed by their "Brown Shirts" militia, the Nazis became a political force. On January 30, 1933, Hitler was placed in position to take power when he was appointed Reich Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg.

The Nazis Assume PowerA month after Hitler assumed the Chancellorship, the Reichstag building burned. Blaming the fire on the Communist Party of Germany, Hitler used the incident as an excuse to ban those political parties that opposed Nazi policies. On March 23, 1933, the Nazis essentially took control of the government by passing the Enabling Acts. Meant to be an emergency measure, the acts gave the cabinet (and Hitler) the power to pass legislation without the approval of the Reichstag. Hitler next moved to consolidate his power and executed a purge of the party (The Night of the Long Knives) to eliminate those who could threaten his position. With his internal foes in check, Hitler began the persecution of those who were deemed racial enemies of the state. In September 1935, he passed the Nuremburg Laws which stripped Jews of their citizenship and forbade marriage or sexual relations between a Jew and an "Aryan." Three years later the first pogrom began (Night of Broken Glass) in which over one hundred Jews were killed and 30,000 arrested and sent to concentration camps. Germany RemilitarizesOn March 16, 1935, in clear violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler ordered the remilitarization of Germany, including the reactivation of the Luftwaffe (air force). As the German army grew through conscription, the other European powers voiced minimal protest as they were more concerned with enforcing the economic aspects of the treaty. In a move that tacitly endorsed Hitler's violation of the treaty, Great Britain signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement in 1935, which allowed Germany to build a fleet one third the size of the Royal Navy and ended British naval operations in the Baltic.

Two years after beginning the expansion of the military, Hitler further violated the treaty by ordering the reoccupation of the Rhineland by the German Army. Proceeding cautiously, Hitler issued orders that the German troops should withdrawal if the French intervened. Not wanting to become involved in another major war, Britain and France avoided intervening and sought a resolution, with little success, through the League of Nations. After the war several German officers indicated that if the reoccupation of the Rhineland had been opposed, it would have meant the end of Hitler's regime.

The AnschlussEmboldened by Great Britain and France's reaction to the Rhineland, Hitler began to move forward with a plan to unite all German-speaking peoples under one "Greater German" regime. Again operating in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler made overtures regarding the annexation of Austria. While these were generally rebuffed by the government in Vienna, Hitler was able to orchestrate a coup by the Austrian Nazi Party on March 11, 1938, one day before a planned plebiscite on the issue. The next day, German troops crossed the border to enforce the Anschluss(annexation). A month later the Nazis held a plebiscite on the issue and received 99.75% of the vote. International reaction was again mild, with Great Britain and France issuing protests, but still showing that they were unwilling to take military action.
Germany invaded Poland with Russia. Then the Nazi's turned on the Russians and both took major losses. Also the Germans had a peace treaty with the Japanese who then bombed the U.S. wich was a big mistake for the Axis powers.

World War 1 started in 1914 - Started because Germany/Austria/Hungary went against the Serbians who were responsible for the murder of the Archduke of Hungary/Austria. There were also age old issues with the French, Russians, Belgians, Brits and other nations that were also part of the motive to start the war.

World War 2 started in September 1939- Started by Adolf Hitler to take over Poland and the rest of Europe. He had a dream of having a 1000 year Third Reich which consisted of all of Europe. He also had a dream of eliminating all Jews.

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This second global conflict resulted from the rise of totalitarian, militaristic regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan, a phenomenon stemming in part from the Great Depression that swept over the world in the early 1930s and from the conditions created by the peace settlements (1919-20) following World War I. After World War I, defeated Germany, disappointed Italy, and ambitious Japan were anxious to regain or increase their power; all three eventually adopted forms of Dictatorship (see National Socialism and fascism) that made the state supreme and called for expansion at the expense of neighboring countries. These three countries also set themselves up as champions against Communism, thus gaining at least partial tolerance of their early actions from the more conservative groups in the Western democracies. Also important was a desire for peace on the part of the democracies, which resulted in their military unpreparedness. Finally, the League of Nations, weakened from the start by the defection of the United States, was unable to promote disarmament (see Disarmament Conference); moreover, the long economic depression sharpened national rivalries, increased fear and distrust, and made the masses susceptible to the promises of demagogues. The failure of the League to stop the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1931 was followed by a rising crescendo of treaty violations and acts of aggression. Adolf Hitler, when he rose to power (1933) in Germany, recreated the German army and prepared it for a war of conquest; in 1936 he remilitarized the Rhineland. Benito Mussolini conquered (1935-36) Ethiopia for Italy; and from 1936 to 1939 the Spanish civil war raged, with Germany and Italy helping the fascist forces of Francisco Franco to victory. In Mar., 1938, Germany annexed Austria, and in Sept., 1938, the British and French policy of appeasement toward the Axis reached its height with the sacrifice of much of Czechoslovakia to Germany in the Munich Pact. When Germany occupied (Mar., 1939) all of Czechoslovakia, and when Italy seized (Apr., 1939) Albania, Great Britain and France abandoned their policy of appeasement and set about creating an "antiaggression" front, which included alliances with Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Poland, and speeding rearmament. Germany and Italy signed (May, 1939) a full military alliance, and after the Soviet-German nonaggression pact (Aug., 1939) removed German fear of a possible two-front war, Germany was ready to launch an attack on Poland. World War II began on Sept. 1, 1939, when Germany, without a declaration of war, invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany on Sept. 3, and all the members of the Commonwealth of Nations, except Ireland, rapidly followed suit. The fighting in Poland was brief. The German blitzkrieg, or lightning war, with its use of new techniques of mechanized and air warfare, crushed the Polish defenses, and the conquest was almost complete when Soviet forces entered (Sept. 17) E Poland. While this campaign ended with the partition of Poland and while the USSR defeated Finland in the Finnish-Russian War (1939-40), the British and the French spent an inactive winter behind the Maginot Line, content with blockading Germany by sea.

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13y ago

World War 2 began because of the defeat of Germany in World War 1. Hitler got elected because many people wanted a change for the better and they thought he was fresh and offered victory. He obviously didn't. He started World War 2 after the embarrassment in 1 and tried to regain the pride of Germany but instead, ended in ruins.

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12y ago

World War II began on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France had agreed to defend Poland and a few days later, declared war.

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