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Q: How did European nations view their colonies?
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Did the Mercantilist theories caused European nations to abandon their overseas colonies?

Mercantilist theories caused European nations to abandon their overseas colonies.

Which cause of the freat war involved european nations competing for control of colonies?

The cause of the war involved European nations competing for control of colonies was boundary disputes.

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Did the mercantilism theories cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies?

Mercantilism theories did not cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies. Mercantilism, in fact, motivated colonial expansion and war.

What economic theory did European nations follow in their creation of colonies?


Which European nations had colonies in latin America?

Spain, France and Portugal.

Which European nations owned which pacific rim colonies?

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What did European nations want from Asian and African colonies?

cheap manpower

What effects did world war have on empires that had been created by European nations?

Many nations granted freedom to their colonies.

Why were colonies import to European mercantilism?

The colonies supplied European nations with wealth such as raw materials, natural resources, trade routes, and a market place for finished goods.

Which European nations establish colonies in central America and the West Indies?
