by prooting openness, encouraging indepedence, and supporting freedom
The Kaiser you seek is Wilhelm.
People will often seek a short-term benefit even if it results in a long-term harm. This is technically known as shortsightedness.
sailors wanted to quench their thirst for adventure and explore the unknown
seek for gold in 1849
it was an easier path to seek salvation
by prooting openness, encouraging indepedence, and supporting freedom
by prooting openness, encouraging indepedence, and supporting freedom
Seek Self-determination
seek information
There are no bad points. Everything is good about fasting. It helps the person lose weight, seek refuge to Allah, etc;
traders from all over the world came to seek their fortunes.
Find and Replace.
Why did the British seek the help of Sharif Hussein during World War I
Word World - 2007 Hide and Seek was released on: USA: 30 December 2010
When people seek to change the constitution, they refer to it as amending the constitution
Germany was in fact defeated in 1918 ... The German forces on the Western Front were still 'in good order' but were retreating fast. The 'Fourteen Points' made the decision to seek an armistice less unpalatable than might otherwise have been the case, but the suggestion that they 'forced Germany to surrender' is wildly inaccurate. It was the top Germany who by late September 1918 wanted peace, at almost any price. They were also haunted by the 'spectre of Bolshevism'.
World Vision is a Christian organization whose members work with the less privileged and poverty stricken children. They seek to promote justice and change lives for the better and to teach their Christian message.