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1. Estates General:

a)marked the drawing up of the Cahiers de doleances (January 1789) which raised the expectations of social and political reform

b) prompted the pamphlet war, where pamphlets such as 'What is the Third Estate?' by Abbe Sieyes, was able to articulate the desires of the third estate as well as offer a political platform

c) it ushered in the developments of revolutionary groups to debate on the topics of "voting by head or order", such as the Society of Thirty

d) The estates-general (May 1789) gave the Third Estate an opportunity to challenge royal authority.

e) This was witnessed in the adoption of the name "National Assembly" (17 June 1789) , this challenged the arrangements governing the composition of the EG (ie. voting by order), it also showed that the Third Estate were claiming to be the "nation"

f) the National assembly also provided an alternate focus of power

g) the EG marked the recognition that for fundamental financial reform, the representatives of the nation needed to be convened


a) it was the first formal act of defiance against royal authority

b) it was seminal in arguing for an end to absolutism

c) marked the introduction of a constitutional monarchy

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Cause the had swag for days

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Q: How did weak leadership contribute to the revolutionary mood in France?
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How did the American and french revolution affect the colonists in the Americas?

France provided support to the US during the War of 1812 although they were tied up militarily with the UK in Europe. Napoleon was the Seller to the United States of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 which almost doubled the size of the states. The political mood of France was so Anti-Anglo that anything that vexed the UK was most pleasing to the French.

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It left a mood of anger throughout Germany as it was felt that as a nation Germany had been unfairly treated.Germany hated the clause blaming her for the cause of the war and the resultant financial penalties the treaty was bound to impose on Germany..

Who was the first man to arrive on the moon and what was his name?

Neil Armstrong, on Apollo 11 who landed on the moon July 20th 1969. His co-pilot who was the second to walk on the moon was Edwin ("Buzz") Aldrin. The command module pilot (who stayed behind to man the ship in moon orbit) was Michael Collins.However, the first manned spacecraft to reach the moon was Apollo 8 captained by Jim Lovell (who also captained the Apollo 13 mission and played by Tom Hanks in the film). This merely reached the moon and orbited, to test out the lunar msission equipment. Apollo 9 followed (but was a test mission in earth orbit only) and then Apollo 10 which also reached the moon, orbiting to find suitable landing sites for Apollo 11. Each Apollo craft were manned by three astronauts; the command module pilot who stayed in mood orbit to fly the command module, the mission captain and the lunar module pilot both of whom were destined to land on the moon from Apollo 11 onwards.The Apollo missions finished after Apollo 17, and, at the end of these missions 12 men had walked on the moon, two from each Apollo (11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17). Apollo 13, of course, had an explosion on board and never landed on the moon. Instead the craft returned to earth in a huge rescue attempt. All three astronauts on board survived.

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Literally:A restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor after a period of obscurity or quiescence.A new presentation of an old play, movie, opera, ballet, or similar vehicle.A time of reawakened interest in religion.A meeting or series of meetings for the purpose of reawakening religious faith, often characterized by impassioned preaching and public law and legally: Renewal of validity or effect, as of a contract or judicial decision.

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oxes laro oxes lana

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