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Naturally evolving throughout the millenniums, following Darwin's evolution theory.

Life has been always attached to necessity of evolution every second, minute, hours, days, months and years. During each year the mankind have learned how to survive. And nowadays we are still learning.


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Q: How life has changed and evolve throughout the earth's history?
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Did feudalism evolve in response to invasions by vikings Muslims and Magyars?

The answerer hinges on the term evolve - whether it is meant as the driving force for the establishment of feudalism or the changes that the presence of external enemies required feudalism to change into a monarch .Feudalism initially provided structure when larger social structures disappeared and local, non-centralized, authority was required.. As an example when the Roman Empire pulled out of Britain. The system allowed the development of an economy with workers and leaders with a strong defensive capacity for both external and internal (policing activities.Under the pressures of competition between competing feudal outposts and the need for unified battle strategies the feudal system eventually gave way to monarchies.

Why is it important to conserve the past?

There are a number of reasons for preserving history. We like to study things and know stuff, and that's because we humans have a "curiosity gene" that keeps turning our heads to things of interest. History is one of the things we investigate, and we do so in attempt to get a glimpse into the lives of the humans that lived in past times. We are alive now with all the trappings of the present. We keep bumping into the past, however. What was life like before the computer? Before electricity? Before the wheel? Humans lived then and under the conditions of the time. What challenges did they have? How did they meet them? We want to know just for the sake of knowning because we're funny that way. But there are some practical reasons for preserving history. We can learn things that apply in the present from things that happened in the past, and this allows us to chart a course to avoid errors made in the past. Let's consider a situation where conditions arise, be they economic, social, cultural, religious or any other kind, and these conditions lead to war, chaos or other large-scale "disaster" for humans. If we see these conditions appearing again, we can choose to act in a way to avoid a similar negative outcome based on our understanding of the past. An adage that has been in circulation for centuries goes something like this: those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. There's more. We can also better understand where we might wish to go based on where we've been. If something was working in the past, it may well continue to work in the present (though the variables have changed). When we look back into history and see that humans "had it good" when things went a certain way, we can choose to act to "set conditions" to keep things going that way (tempered with the variables of current dynamics), and this will keep things going well for us. As humans continue to evolve and develop as peoples, things are changing. And it takes visionaries with a knowledge of where we've been to point the way into a future where we have the best chance of being happy and living well together. Use the link below to the related question and find some ideas that are on point with what you read here.

The study of history can be depending on how it is presented?

The maximum usually acknowledged historic methodologies include: Palaeography (have a look at of historic handwriting), diplomatics, the have a look at of documents, information and archives, chronology (organising the dates of beyond events), the have a look at of publications, epigraphy (have a look at of historic inscriptions).

How do you get purge?

you find him at the beginning of the game in a hidden cave next to a latios. ..IS THIS PERSON SERIOUS purge is nothing but a hack heres something u need to know purge is just the image of mewtwo in its cyber armor some nerd hacker just copied the image edited it a little and made it look like a new Pokemon trust me its a total fake and it don't evolve from no BIDOOF

What effect did trade have on the feudal system in Medieval Europe?

Trade stimulated the growth of towns and cities, and produced many jobs in manufacturing, commerce, banking, and transportation. All of these made it possible for peasants to try to be more prosperous off the farms. This meant that there was a more or less steady movement of serfs away from the manors. When disasters such as the Black Death made things difficult for people, the demand for peasants reversed the trend among them to move to cities for a while, but it also undermined the feudal system further, and did not last very long.

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How does society's definition of a hero evolve throughout history?

How could multicellularity evolve?

Multi-cellularity evolved from mutations. This is how everything evolved throughout history. Random mutations that prove to be advantageous, and allow a species to continue to reproduce.

Where can you get an evolve body kit for your s40 Volvo?

From Evolve, who have changed their name to Elevate.

How and why has Civilization changed over time?

because we evolve

Does everything evolve?

Creatures evolve to adapt to their environment so if they are well adapt they have no reason to evolve. An example of this is the crocodile that has not changed for thousands of years.

Did slaves ever have their tongues cut out?

I don't know, but that would be a horrible thing to do! Although horrible things have been done to slaves throughout human history. Hopefully humans will evolve beyond that.

Sentence for evolve?

David and Jamie's relationship evolved over time. Evolve means that something changed gradually. Sometimes when things evolve they are no longer recognizable.

How do you evolve likytung?

the original statement was incorrect to evolve lickitung level up using rollout - changed via jack wiltshire

What must evolve and be refined throughout the life cycle of an evolutionary strategy?

The plants and animals must evolve. They are also part of the biotic factors in an ecosystem.

When in history did etiquette evolve?

it's always been evolving

Complete statement A preventive maintenance plan tends to evolve from a history or patter of within an organization?

A preventive maintenance plan tends to evolve from a history or pattern of malfunction within an organization.

Why did the Egyptian gods evolve?

The beliefs and faiths of the Egyptian people changed over centuries and thus the Egyptian gods "evolved" or changed with those beliefs.