1,000,000 Days divided by 7 = 142,857.14 weeks
That is an incomprehensible number of weeks : how long is this in years?
The exact answer varies depending on what you want;
Taking the usual usage of 52 weeks per year,
if this is then divided by 52 = 2,747.2526 Years [ ie common years]
However, if 1,000,000 days is divided by :-
the length of the 'solar year' of 365.2425 days [or 52.1775 weeks] ,
then it equals 2737.907 years,
but if the 1,000,000 days is divided instead by:-
the length of the 'sidereal year' of 365.2564 [or 52.179486 weeks],
then it equals 2737.8028 years.
It depends on what you want, whether the days are 'solar' or 'sidereal', but the difference of 0.001986 weeks is statistically insignificant.
Over 40 million casualties resulted, including approximately 20 million military and civilian deaths. Its not how many that survived.
Germany raised a force of eleven million. of these, one million seven hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred were killed. a further four million two hundred and sixteen thousand fifty eight were injured. one million one hundred and fifty two thousand eight hundred were made prisoners for a total of seven million one hundred and forty two thousand five hundred and fifty eight or sixty four point nine percent of all the armies.
More than one million Africans participated in WWI.
In WW1 1,700,000 died and in WW2 55,000,000 died.World War One: 1.7 million died.World War Two: 55 million died.
57 weeks and either 1 day or 2 days, depending on whether it's a leap year.
142 weeks and 6 days.
There are 3 weeks in 21 days
24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 1 million weeks. 1000000*7*24=168000000 note: 7*24=168 there are 168 hours in a week! If you have a million of them then that's 168million.
It is 9 weeks and one day.
17 weeks and one day.
There are 1440000000 minutes in one million days.
One week is 7 days, so 21 weeks is 147 days.
7 days in one week hence 70 days = 10 weeks.
1 million minutes = 694.4 days.
There are 26 weeks and one day.