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Q: How society is safe in your world?
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YES World of Tanks is a safe and fun game I love it and you will to!

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the world is not safe

What are the responsibilities of the FFIEC?

The responsibilities of the FFIEC is to protect and serve the civilians of a city. FFIEC has the right to keep people safe in the world. FFIEC is there is make society a better place for one to live.

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World Society for the Protection of Animals was created in 1981.

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World Sturgeon Conservation Society was created in 2003.

How did the IR impact the world and society?

It changed everything from imperialism to trade in the world; and in society, it helped modernize society and create social classes.

Is Puerto Rico a safe?

As safe as United States. There is no place in the world that is 100% safe.

What benefits to society of having a culture that values rules and lawfullness?

A lawful society is of much benefit to the world because its citizens are better able to act safe and responsibly not only amongst themselves, but people from any other society they may come in contact with. In addition, people who live in a society where there is confidence in the government's laws, and know that their families and themselves will be protected from criminal activity, are more productive.