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Women in the modern day are allowed to vote, so I would say very successful

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one achieve is that British won the right to vote for women in Great Britain.The second achieve is that changes helped usher in the modern age.

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Q: How successful were the suffragettes at gaining the vote for women?
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Why were the suffragettes not allowed to vote?

Suffragettes alone weren't allowed to vote, all women could not vote. Suffragettes were only women who were protesting the lack of the right to vote.

Who were the suffragetts?

The suffragettes were a group of women who campaigned for women to have a right to vote in elections. Some ladies handcuffed them self to the Houses of Parliament but ended up behind bars. Finally the suffragettes wish was granted and now thanks to the suffragettes women now are able to take part in the elections.They were a group of women in the early 1900s that campaigned for women's rights in Britain, often in a violent way. For example, Emily Davison threw herself underneath the King's horse at the 1913 derby.

What different factors helped women to gain the right to vote in 1918?

the main factors as to why women got the vote were as follows: the campaign of the suffragists, the campaign of the suffragettes and the role of women in world war 1

What are suffragettes exactly?

The suffragettes were a group of women in the later part of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century who were lobbying for women to be allowed to vote. They were not the only group of women who were trying to do this, but the term suffragette is mainly used to denote a group of women who were more militant in there methods of protest and lobbying. They were active in the United Kingdom mostly, but also in Australia and New Zealand. There famous slogan was "Votes for Women!" In the United States women who were lobbying for the right to vote used the term suffragist. Both terms come from the word suffrage which is the right to vote. New Zealand was the first country in modern times to give women the right to vote; this happened in 1893. However, various countries and republics had allowed women to vote at various points in history which later was taken away.

Why did the Suffragettes not Gain Suffrage before World War 1?

Women did not gain the vote before the war because men thought that women would take over politically and gain more civil rights than men.

Related questions

Why were the suffragettes not allowed to vote?

Suffragettes alone weren't allowed to vote, all women could not vote. Suffragettes were only women who were protesting the lack of the right to vote.

What did women gain the right to vote?

The Suffragettes

What did the suffragettes vote for?

Suffragettes passed on the suffragette movement as that time women were not allowed to vote in parliament. The suffragette movement was to allow women to vote in parliament.

How did people join the suffragettes?

While there were societies and associationsof suffragettes, suffragettes were simply women who actively supported granting women the vote. To join was simply to do.

How are suffragettes better than suffragists?

The suffragettes (female) did not have the right to vote (prior to the enactment of the 19th amendment). Men (including minorities) did have the right to vote. By the early 1900s, women were still being excluded from this right, however.

What was the name of women who struggled to vote?

Suffragettes. The movement was called "Women's Suffrage".

What did the suffer jets do?

Suffragettes fought for the right for women to vote.

What were women who supported the right to vote called?

In Britain they were Suffragettes, led by Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst & her daughters, Sylvia & Christobel.

People who fought for the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment were called?

They were called suffragettes. == == == ==

How old do suffragettes have to be to vote?

when women got the vote after WW1 they had to be married and over thirty years old.

Why the suffragettes formed?

so that women could win the right to vote! (The term for the right to vote is "suffrage".)

What is the given name to women who were pushing the right to vote?

Women who were seeking the right to vote were known as Suffragettes. This word is derived from suffrage, which means the right to vote.