French culture was ruled by what you might call class war, the very rich and the very poor, there was no middle. The French were always reliant on rule from above, but that rule is what was destroying them, and the fight to retain that rule was only making it worse, it finally came to a head in the revolution, strangely enough it pretty much went back to the same thing afterward too.
how did Russia participation in the world war 1 lay the seeds for the Bolshevik revolution
industrial revolution
The French Revolution of 1789 (and the following decade) made quite a number of short-term and long-term impacts upon Europe and upon the world. One short-term effect was the toppling of the French ruling dynasty, soon to be followed by the installment of the military dictatorship (and then imperial governance) of Napoleon. Longer-term effects followed through the rising power of France: revolutionary ideas spread throughout Europe, planting seeds that would later sprout into a harvest of nationalist and vaguely democratic movements that brought about the end of the monarchic age and the maturing of European Modernity.
check my answer how
oil seeds
how did Russia participation in the world war 1 lay the seeds for the Bolshevik revolution
Industrial Revolution
a seed is 'une graine' (fem.) in French.
Thw ancieny Egyptians used goats and pigs to trample seeds.
Social Contract
The ancient Egyptians used cattle to make sure the seeds were trodden down.
industrial revolution
social contract theory
Seeds of revolution refer to the initial ideas, grievances, or movements that eventually grow into a widespread uprising or revolt against a government or authority. These seeds can be social injustices, economic disparities, political oppression, or other factors that create dissatisfaction and motivate people to seek change through collective action. Over time, these seeds can germinate and cultivate a movement that challenges the status quo.