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The Germans had been slowly building up their military after the fall of the Weimar Republic; their invasion of Poland in 1939 was probably the most immediate cause of the world war.

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Q: Immediate cause of World War 2 in Europe?
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What could be the immediate cause of World War 2?

In Europe it was the attack of Poland by the German Nazis on 9-1-39. In the Pacific it was the attack on the US Naval Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by the Japanese on 12-7-41 that was the immediate cause of World War 2 for the USA.

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the assasination of Archduke Franz fernidand

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The German invasion of Poland in 1939.

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1 September 1939 after German troops invaded Poland. That was the immediate spark of World War 2 in Europe

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The attack on Pearl Harbor

What was the immediate cause of the world war 1 in 1914?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

What is the cause to the Great War?

World War I had 4 long-term causes and one immediate cause. The assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke was the immediate cause, the reason war was justified enough to actually begin. The other four are the MAIN causes of the war, Miliatariam, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism.

Who's assassination is viewed as the immediate cause of world war 1?

That was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.