There are many ancient North American cultures found in the Native Americans that were here centuries before Columbus.
The ancient Egyptian culture began around 3150BC. The ancient Egyptian culture then ended in 31BC.
Jazz Age literature all conveyed a sense of disillusionment with American society and culture. The literature was critical of American society and culture.
The cultures of Rome and Greece.
The British North American Act was passed in 1867. The British North American Act was passed in 1867.
ancient Ghana and ancient Mali. Improved answer: that's not true. ancient Ghana and ancient Mali were kingdoms before Songhai. mostly North Africa traded with Songhai to get salt and gold. i believe this is true.
The reason why Latino culture has enriched North American culture is simple. It is because Latino culture is diverse, family centered, and vibrant.
yes,yes it has..
The amount of rainfall in individual areas was the greatest factor in shaping North American culture groups.
Latino music, dance, and food have all added many facets to North American life and culture. As the world becomes more interconnected, the melding of all the different cultured of North American will only increase.
Type your answer here..the Aztecs
The climates of the areas in which they lived dictated the type of civilization and society for North American and Mesoamerican tribes.
Americas culture really depends. The culture would be between Spanish, Chinese, American, Canadian,Indian, European its a mix of everything. Amazing Isn't It?! Native American, Latin American, African and European.
The amount of rainfall in individual areas was the greatest factor in shaping North American culture groups.
what is an ancient culture that lived near the sea ? what is an ancient culture that lived near the sea ?